Mar 17, 2008 20:21
Hey there, I remember a while back someone mentioned it be interesting if 2 Pokemon could breed and create a "hybrid" between the 2. Now despite people saying it ain't going to happen. IT ALREADY DID:
Phione anyone?
Because The only way you can get this Pokemon at the beginning with by breeding Ditto with Manaphy.
Also, despite the fact the game doesn't do this: Slowbro and Slowking are also hybrids as a result of evolution.
But back to what I was going to say about hybrids, next year or later this one I'm planning to make a group of fake Pokemon and thought it be interesting to have 10 Pokemon that can only be created through hybrid breeding.
One example is: Buneary+Glameow= cabbit Pokemon
So I decided I should ask people here if they have any suggestions for other awesome hybrid Pokemon.
The only rules to it would be it has to be Pokemon that belong in the same egg group other than Pokemon that can't breed/only can breed with ditto.
Also as a rule I sorta made up, hybrid Pokemon can't evolve (but could be bred with already evolved Pokemon) and cannot breed themselves.
So let us see what you can think of people of LJ.