Mar 09, 2008 16:19
Luckily for me, my Emerald save file contracted pokerus. :D thinking ahead with the plan to use it as some leverage to get better trades on wi-fi, i migrated a few of my diseased pokemon to diamond, and stuck one in my party, under the impression that i would turn it on today to still have to virus readily availible to spread. this morning, my infected party members had the immunity face on their stat screen.
point being, does pokerus disappear as soon as the date rolls over or am i failing at spreading the joy?
if anyone has a hitmontop, i'd like to do a tradeback to get it in my'll be exchanged with my clamperl who needs to evolve into a gorebyss.
in exchange, you'll get an oddish with a live case of pokerus and a master ball. :D
oh yeah, almost forgot query #2.
i tried to make my pelipper on the aforementioned emerald file forget surf. every time i tried to make it forget the move, the move deleter kept saying 'hm! your pelipper doesn't seem to want to forget surf' or something to that effect.
question: what the hell??? i thought that HM moves could be forgotten quite easily? my graveler forgot strength easily and my zigzagoon forgot cut and surf without problem. [lolmigrationfodder]
move deleter