(no subject)

Feb 06, 2008 11:36

The statistics in Diamond hate me.  Hydro Pump only hits maybe 25% of the time, the second my opponent's evasion goes up or my accuracy goes down I start missing everything, I rarely breed a female Pokemon (excluding the Eevees, all the 'mon I breed should have a even gender ratio but nooooo, 90% males), and chaining?  Not happening--I don't see any rare Pokemon at all.  That one might just be me being really, really bad at chaining, though.

ANYWAY!  I have a box full of Pokemon that I bred and don't need.  You want?  They're all level one* and all male*.

Rattata x 2, all know Flame Wheel, all have Guts ability [Bashful, Relaxed, Hasty natures]

Eevee x 14 + 1
Adaptability: Quirky, Relaxed, Naughty, Adamant, Modest, Jolly, Timid, Impish, Bold
Run Away: Relaxed, Sassy, Adamant, Docile, Relaxed, Quirky, Bashful, Hasty
+ 1 egg

Sneasel x 1, Adamant, Inner Focus

Snorunt x 4, [Impish, Serious with Inner Focus; Timid, Impish with Ice Body]

* Except for Cranidos
Cranidos x 4, all level twenty, Mold Breaker abilities
Male & Bold; Male & Bold; Male & Bold; Female & Naive

ALSO!  Items for you?

Psssh, items.  I never use them, I just like having one of everything in my bag, weighing me down.  Honestly, who thought it would be a good idea to not let us store our items in the PC anymore?  Unlimited bag space is great but I really would rather just go get them when I need them rather than have to scroll forever looking for stuff. /rant
* Helix Fossil x 1
* Skull Fossil x 1
* Root Fossil x 1
Poison Barb x 1
Spooky Plate x 1
Icy Rock x 5 4
Iron Ball x 2
Hard Stone x 3
Iron Plate x 1
Light Clay x 1
Everstone x 4
Heat Rock x 3

* I can 'hatch' these for you or just trade you the item.
I'm also looking for a Dawn Stone.

POKEMON!  The ones I want, preferably female (when possible).

Vulpix, Sandshrew, Houndour, any of the starters (except Chimchar, Piplup, Chikorita, Bulbasaur, Totodile, Squirtle, and Torchic), Ekans, NidoranF, NidoranM, Poochyena, Ralts (M and/or F), Sableye.  Legendaries are cool but not expected, I don't care if they're hacked unless they'll mess with my game.  I don't battle competitively and I won't be trading them so by all means, offer me that shiny level 100 Suicune with perfect stats holding a Masterball ^^  No one else but me will ever see it.

EXCHANGE!  Trade you this for another of the same species?

I LOVE getting other people's Pokemon.  The GTS makes me squeal with excitement every time I use it--and you'd better believe I use it a lot.  But it's hard to find someone who's actually willing to trade something; level 1 Eevee for a level 100 Raikou?  Oh, please.  And it's hard to get what I want when I can't search for Pokemon I haven't seen.  So I propose an exchange:  I'll trade you one of my 'mon, you trade me back the same species.  Since I generally only catch my favorite Pokemon, I don't wanna let them go completely.  I don't care about the levels, I just want the same gender back.
Seel - female, level 43, Sassy, Hydration
Ponyta - female, level 27, Quirky, Run Away
Snorunt - female, level 1, Jolly, Inner Focus
Rattata - female, level 1, Careful, Guts

QUESTIONS!  I have them.

Short of stalking people in real life (and I hear that's a bad idea), I've got no way to talk to people underground to get Spiritomb.  Is it possible for me to trade my Odd Keystone to someone else who actually can do the thing to catch one and trade with them?  'Cause I've just got this item sitting here...waiting...and since Spiritomb just about wiped the floor with me in the League, I kinda want one for myself.

Also, do 'mon you battle in the Battle Tower not count in your Dex?  If so, my dex should be much fuller than it is currently.  Forgive me if the answer is obvious but this is my first time in a Battle Tower so I don't know if it counts as part of the game or just a fun thing to do.
Edited info:  Don'tcha just love when work calls and demands you come in for hours you weren't supposed to work?  Well, mine ate up my entire evening which puts me behind on homework and consequently behind on everything else.  I should maybe possibly be on around 4 p.m. U.S. eastern tomorrow (Feb. 7) but hopefully I'll be able to reply to these replies before I leave for school in the morning.

Oh!  And here's my info if you wanna go ahead and add me.

trading, questions, question, trade, items

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