Water Monotype Team

Jan 18, 2008 20:52

The last starter monotype! Water's so versatile and diverse. I'm a huge fan of the Water/Ground dual type, but I won't overload on this team (but I bet you know which one I'm including...):

Gyarados @ Muscle Band

Adamant Nature, 252 EVs in Spd and Atk, 6 in SpDef (just because anything helps to guard against random Thunderbolts)
- Dragon Dance
- Earthquake
- Waterfall
- Return

I stayed away from Rain Dance just because you don't need to tempt any Thunderdancers out

Lapras @ Leftovers

Modest Nature, 252 EVs in SpAtk and Def, 6 in SpDef
- Surf
- Ice Beam
- Thunderbolt
- Confuse Ray


Bold Nature, 252 EVs in SpAtk and HP, 6 in Def
- Rain Dance
- Surf
- Thunder
- Signal Beam

Starmie @ Wise Glasses

Modest Nature, 252 EVs in SpAtk and Spd, 6 in SpDef
- Surf
- Psychic
- Ice Beam
- Rapid Spin

Tentacruel @ Black Sludge

Calm Nature, 252 EVs in Def and SpDef, 6 in HP
- Toxic
- Barrier
- Surf
- Confuse Ray

And last, but certainly never least...

Swampert @ Expert Belt

Hasty Nature, 252 EVs in Spd, 128 in Atk and SpAtk
- Surf
- Ice Beam
- Earthquake
- Brick Break

Any thoughts, comments or critiques?

pokemon: t, pokemon: g, type: water, pokemon: s, pokemon: l

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