More hand carved stamps... XD

Oct 21, 2007 16:19

Yes, I've made more. XD They're fun and so easy to make, I can't help it!
This round is Luxio, Pikachu, and a PokeBall. :o
(Elekid is there because he was lonely... what?)

A Luxio because he's a cutie. <33
Woops, looks like I put a bit too much ink on this.

and of course, a Pikachu. ;D
This little guy actually came out pretty bad, I am never going to make one outlined at the size again. So tiny and hard to stick the knife inside. His ittle foot tore. ;__;

If I make more, what else should I make?
(Crobat is going to be made later when I have more free time. D:< )

pokemon: p, fanart, pokemon: l

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