(no subject)

Aug 24, 2007 00:59


Fire is a bastard to colour.

He has no feet because I got bored and I suck at freehand sketching digitally [because my Tablet is a piece of poop and the pen keeps snapping in half >:C  I want a Wacom.]

Blue fire is yummy.

Same description as THIS picture [my last poketype submission :D]

The lions were just BEGGING to be turned into fire-types, tbh.   They are some of my faves of the D/P pokemon and I had a mighty mighty Luxray in my team before I restarted my game [she's still all snuggled away in the computer.  I dont delet pokemon >:C]  Although I still think I prefer jolteon [Electric and ghost types are my faaavourites forever :D]

PS: This was my first submission

PPS: GIN!  I got my package 2 days ago, thankyou sooo much :D  the Gligar zukan is actually the most adorable thing in the world and my Bf was super happy with the magmar evos.  I'm amazed at how fast it got here, tbh.  Thanks ever so much <3

fanart, whatkind, pokemon: l

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