(no subject)

Oct 20, 2009 02:01

Earlier today, I was playing Guitar Hero III, because I haven't played it much lately. I decided to try a few rounds on Xbox Live, as I still need a few of the online achievements, and I joined the first available expert-level game I saw. My opponent got to pick the song, so he picked Take This Life, a song that I'm not very good at. I also forgot to turn hyperspeed mode off (a mode where the notes move faster, but appear more spaced apart), which is death in multiplayer on a small TV. So, needless to say, I sucked.

During the middle of the song, my opponent sent me a voice message. What he had to say was shocking.

To understand this story, you first have to know that, on my Xbox Live profile, I have the web address for Score Hero listed; a website for Guitar Hero and Rock Band players. Many of the country's top players are members of Score Hero, as well as many "average" players.

In the voice message my opponent sent, he said, "Ok, seriously, if you're going to suck this bad, don't advertise Score Hero in your bio. You're a disgrace to everyone on the site. Kill yourself."

Kill yourself? Really? Now, I'm no stranger to people being rude on the Internet, and I'm not one to let what anonymous losers on the Internet think about me to get to me, but when it gets to the point where you're telling someone to kill themself over a video game, you've crossed the line.

What if I had been some really depressed person who has had suicidal thoughts? A semi-anonymous message like that could be something that would push someone over the edge. Pushing someone to commit suicide is a horrible thing, but to do it because someone played a video game badly? That's just downright evil.

I can't claim to be the nicest person on the Internet, but even I know when to hold back. Some people just seem to think that anonymity on the Internet gives them a right to be complete dicks, but you have to remember that your online actions can have severe consequences. The fact that people think it's cool to be offensive to people because you have anonymity is despicable. Whether it's calling someone a fag or telling someone to kill themself, just don't do it. Just because it's online to you, it doesn't mean its not real life to someone else.

Oh, and after I ignored his message, he sent me another one "reminding" me to remove Score Hero from my bio, so I blocked communications with him and filed an official complaint with Microsoft.

And to JMachine721, if you're going to be this horrible of a person, don't advertise being human in your profile. You're a disgrace to humanity. Kill yourself.
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