Player Information
Name/Nickname: Sato
Contact Info (aim/email): SaiyamanMS/sato992[at]
SaiyamanMS Character Information:
Name: Kyon
Series: The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
Age: 15
Poke-profession: Trainer
Home Town: Cherrygrove City, Johto
Current town: Hearthome City
Appearance: Pretty average kinda guy, brown hair and eyes, he tends to wear pretty casual stuff, most often wearing a white t-shirt and light green jacket with a long pair of either grey or dark greenish pants. He's really not the kind of guy who stands out too much and can easily blend into a crowd. As they say, a picture says a thousand words, so this custom sprite should give a pretty good idea of what his appearance is like:
Personality: Kyon considers himself to be the most normal guy in the world. As a kid he always wanted to find something more exciting or mysterious, something that'd qualify as a real adventure. However, as he became a Pokémon trainer and left home, he realised, things aren't really that exciting. Though it was disappointing he came to accept the harsh truth of reality and accepting the world for what it is. After all, only one person can be the very best like no one ever was, and it certainly isn't him. However, beyond his cynical exterior, maybe there is still some desire for something more exciting left.
While he can be rather irritable at times, he's usually rather sociable in more relaxed situations and can easily hold a calm conversation for a while with those he's fond of. He is also perfectly capable of holding conversation with those who irritate him, but he'll generally be a bit more snappy and prone to complain, especially if they happen to be particularly pushy about certain things. Despite his minor resistance to these people, he's still somewhat of a pushover when it comes to dealing with them, especially the ones who are particularly forceful about the idea of having an adventure. Whether this is a result of mere apathy or the hidden desire for something more isn't exactly known, however it's probably a little of both.
Abilities: Nothing in particular really, as a trainer he's only average at best. What could perhaps be considered a talent though is his ability to put up with ridiculous amounts of annoying or ridiculous behaviour, he may complain a lot, but he generally won't do anything about it unless he has to.
History: Hailing from Cherrygrove City, Kyon has lived a pretty average life. When he was young, he often heard about all kinds of interesting things, like a hero from Pallet Town fighting valiant battles against Team Rocket or powerful trainers in Hoenn going against the great threat of environmental extremists using legendary Pokémon to alter natural weather. He hoped that one day he might become a trainer himself and have fantastic adventures of his own. However, when he actually became one, he realised that things weren't so simple.
As he travelled the land, he never found any hidden conspiracies led by evil organizations or legendary Pokémon doing something amazing or anything like that. He didn't win every battle with ease and gain Gym badges one after another to challenge the Elite Four and become Champion of the Pokémon League like that hero from Pallet had once done. The harsh truth was, only one person can truly be the best, and it would certainly never be him. Some few people are destined for greatness after all, and the rest of us are just normal. He let go of his childish dreams and optimism and focused on just living his live the ordinary way: battle fellow trainers, win a few battles, lose a few battles, raise his Pokémon, maybe make a few friends and rivals along the way. After all, that's the easiest way to do things, right?
Pokemon information:
Name: Wobbuffet
Breed: Wobbuffet
Gender: Male
Personality: A highly curious Pokémon, he will occasionally pop out of his Poké Ball at random and examine his surroundings, which sometimes causes trouble for Kyon trying to keep him in control. He also has a tendency to yell sometimes, also at random.
History: While travelling the Johto region, Kyon once went to explore in Dark Cave. However with no Pokémon capable of Flash, he was left to stumble in the dark while annoying wild Geodude he kept tripping over. On his way out, he was followed by a wild Wynaut who wouldn't leave him even after exiting the cave. As a result he decided to catch it and it was trained into the Wobbuffet he has today.
Name: Voltorb
Breed: Voltorb
Gender: N/A
Personality: Well really, how much personality can a red and white ball have? Perhaps the only noteworthy thing about it's personality is how it tends to favour the move "Selfdestruct" a little too much.
History: While travelling along one day, Kyon noticed something that looked like it might be a dropped item. It wasn't. After it blew up in his face, a Pokémon battle ensued after which he caught the wild Voltorb.
Name: Probopass
Breed: Probopass
Gender: Male
Personality: Slow but sturdy. Probopass is generally pretty quiet and is mostly content to be left to his own devices when not in battle. Not that he really does anything when left alone other than stand there, but he seems to enjoy it.
History: When Kyon first left home, he got a Nosepass as a starter. Initially he was somewhat unsure about the Pokémon due to its slow nature, however its sturdy Rock body made up for any disadvantages caused by the lack of speed. Together the two of them left home as they trained and battled together, gaining new Pokémon along the way. Part of the reason Kyon came to Sinnoh was due to the rumours that Nosepass have been known to evolve only in the vicinity of Mt. Coronet, which happened as he passed through the mountain a few weeks after arrival.
Name: Psyduck
Breed: Psyduck
Gender: Male
Personality: Relatively dopey, this Pokémon will zone out even in the midst of battle. However, on the rare occasion that it actually gets in focus, it's blows are incredibly powerful and deadly accurate.
History: After a day of fishing while landing nothing but Magikarp with his Old Rod, Kyon noticed a Psyduck passing by. Considering that so far his only other option for his team's token water-type was Magikarp, he leapt at the chance to catch it.
Name: Ornithopter
Breed: Tropius
Gender: Male
Personality: Tropius is incredibly excitable and hyperactive, almost the complete polar opposite of Kyon who honestly finds it to be annoying to deal with. He mostly decided to catch it because of Haruhi's incessant yelling about how awesome it was in hopes it might shut her up. The name Ornithopter was chosen by Yuki Nagato.
Where Caught: Route 206, at the end of the Cycling Road.
Roleplay Samples:
Third Person: Kyon sighed as he paid out to the other trainer, that was his lunch money gone. "That's my fifth loss since Tuesday..." he muttered to himself as he returned his Pokémon. He wondered what he was doing wrong this week as he wandered back to the Pokémon Center.
"Normally I wouldn't be having a losing streak this bad... Maybe I should have tried to aim for the horn..." as he pondered this he pulled out some of the cheap snacks he had in his pack, they weren't anything great, but with the current situation he wouldn't be able to afford a proper meal. He was so lost in his own thoughts that he'd barely even realised that he'd arrived at the Pokémon Center and was hearing the familiar "ding" sound as the Nurse behind the counter returned his Pokémon. "Oh, right... Thanks!" he replied, taking them back from her before going to sit at a nearby table.
As he sat, he began to wonder, why exactly had he become a trainer in the first place? To have adventures? To do something exciting? Not that it really mattered, he was just an average guy after all, and he had realised a long time ago that interesting things just don't happen to ordinary people. Not that it really mattered, being ordinary was perfectly fine even if he did wish he had won a few more battles this week. Maybe he'll win some tomorrow... "Maybe if I'm lucky, I'll get to fight one of those Rich Boys with a Zigzagoon tomorrow. That'll be good for a bit of spare cash..."
First Person/Forum Post: Huh, y'know Hearthome City is a lot bigger than I expected. When hearing about Sinnoh, I always figured Jubilife was the place to be, of course that's only to be expected when most of the big Sinnoh TV programs that air back in Johto are made there I guess. I was thinking of maybe checking out the contest hall while I was here, not that I'll enter or anything as I don't know the first thing about contests and I'm terrible at making Poffins or Pokéblock. They always seem to come out burnt or lumpy, or both. I hear the local Gym Leader is a contest master too, maybe by seeing her in action there I could pick up a strategy or two before maybe considering a Gym battle.