
Mar 12, 2011 22:16

[And all of a sudden, the perfect blackness of the night sky is dramatically rent, as a giant white beast rises from the waters, light, minuscule feathers amplifying the moonlight and enveloping the Guardian of the Sea in a glowing, silvery mist.

... Now, said Guardian had just calculated that he would be surfacing near one of the remote, deserted islands where he often takes refuge. He can sense, however, that the one now before him is not deserted at all, and not just due to the presence of other Pokémon - there seem to be humans as well.

After the Guardian discovers that he... can't quite change his course, he takes a deep breath, his momentary rage subsiding. Clearly there is a great power at work here - a power much greater than the Guardian himself.

Well. As humans like to say, if life gives you lemons... So Lugia will just fly over the island and study it from above, before he finds a beach with a rock large enough for him to comfortably perch on.

So here he is. Those few who still worship or at least respect him will likely interpret his presence here as something of importance: a sign, an omen, a blessing, you name it. And it is often the case. But not right now; right now, the revered Guardian is just a Lugia sitting on a beach, staring out emptily at the sea and wondering how on earth he ended up on this island full of humans.]

guise can i have some help?, i am a moron, user: [dropped characters - johto], character introduction

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