and where has she been? (hint: starts with a "canon", ends with an "update")

Mar 11, 2011 21:00

[...well, one would have to find out, wouldn't one?

Articuno is back to trotting around the CMA merrily, Icy Flute hanging on a cord around her neck, as she whistles a bouncy little tune. People, people, people - just look at them all! Cheerful, peaceful, safe, homes intact and not lashing out in fear against one another. Simply wonderful!

Simply wonderful.

...but, of course, this is Articuno. Any elements of this scene which are not idyllic must be corrected immediately. Which is why any individuals looking a tad worried or distressed or displaying any other negative sort of emotion will be approached at once and fussed over. Calling one, calling all. Marshmallow therapy is completely free!

And she'll just approach all the happy people too, to see what they're up to. She hasn't done this in a while, she has plenty of stories to collect! Time's a-wasting!

So, Awesome Island! What are you doing today?]

talk to me, user: iceblue_melody

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