Feb 24, 2011 22:32
[There's something about this island that Geechisu doesn't like. It's not the fact that he can't leave it (though that is rather troublesome), it's not the fact that he has so many enemies here (his Pokemon are perfectly capable of handling them), and it's not even the fact that it isn't home.]
[He's worried about losing Astrid. Astrid, one of his closest companions and fighters. Astrid, who never once disobeyed an order. She's changing, and he knows it.]
[With a new sense of urgency, Geechisu is searching the island for someone else - N. If he can find N, then everything will be fine, he'll have that sense of protection again (though to be fair, he finds N rather useless).]
[You may happen to see Geechisu restlessly walking through the CMA, still dressed in his ridiculous outfit cloak. He hasn't bothered to attempt to hide himself - despite the number of Surrogates there are reportedly on the island.]
Sazandora, come. [The three-headed dragon floats protectively at his side.] We must find him and formulate a plan. I will not allow this island to interfere with my plans.
looking for someone,
au: surrogateverse,
user: falseintent,
fuck yeah unova,
oh my god