heres hoping i dont fail hard

Nov 18, 2010 09:26

[Today in CMA, you may notice a Yellow hacking and coughing, on her hands and knees, hand to her mouth and throat, like she's choking on something. If you get close enough, you will most certainly notice an extremely foul chemical type odour emanating from her, some of which you may notice as ozone and sulfur, along with something else which would ( Read more... )

user: machinisthealer, character introduction

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coordinatorkamo November 19 2010, 01:33:26 UTC
[Oh god, what is that smell---it's coming from that girl there?!

...on one hand, must help! On the other...ewww, she stinks.

Helping it is]

Hey, are you okay?

[May crouches down beside Yellow and gives her shoulder a light shake]


machinisthealer November 19 2010, 01:38:29 UTC
[The hand on her shoulder startles her, and she looks over May, eyes watering slightly from the force of coughing. Quickly, she pulls the collar of her shirt up, to smother herself slightly, breathing through it. It helps state the coughing, if only a bit, and her words come out muffled.]

How can you breath so easily..?


coordinatorkamo November 19 2010, 01:44:13 UTC
[Blink blink]

It's fresh, clean air? Why wouldn't I be able to breathe easily?

It's not like the air has been filled with a smokescreen or anything.


machinisthealer November 19 2010, 01:46:19 UTC
Clean air? Is that what it--[Coughing fit] is?


coordinatorkamo November 19 2010, 03:55:27 UTC
Well, yes. It's not like there's a bunch of Muk or Wheezing nearby after all.

[She's going to pull you to your feet now]

C'mon, I think you should get to the pokemon center. Nurse Joy works with Pokemon but I'm sure she can handle people too.

[She pulls out her red and white pokeball and tosses it into the air]

Feragilatr, come on out!

[Turning back to Yellow] It'll probably be easier on you if you take a ride on Feragiltar.


machinisthealer November 19 2010, 04:04:47 UTC
[And as soon as that Feraligatr comes out, Yellow is reaching for the flash powder on her hip, dropping the collar of her shirt, other hand going for the pistol, only to fumble and drop it.]

Th- There here to-- [Coughing fit, but she manages to keep to her feet for the moment, then scrambling to get her pistol. Defense is needed, that monster looks strong, and both her and this girl could be in trouble very soon if she doesn't manage to frighten it off.]


coordinatorkamo November 19 2010, 04:09:52 UTC
[May throws herself in front of Feragilatr, arms spread wide open to protect her pokemon]

What are you doing? Feragilatr is my friend and partner!

[She sees the pistol now and that only serves to make her even more nervous. What was with this girl? Feragilatr can only tilt his head, looking confused]


machinisthealer November 19 2010, 04:14:28 UTC
Friend? Thats a monster! It'll kill you!

[What was this girl doing? That thing could easily snap her in half! Yellow coughs, hard, covering her mouth and nose with her arm.]


coordinatorkamo November 19 2010, 04:17:52 UTC
Feragilatr is not a monster and would do no such thing!

[She turns around to give Feragilatr a big hug and the water pokemon nuzzles her happily in reply]

See? We're friends. I'm his trainer after all. Feragilatr would never hurt me.

[She then puts her hands on her hips]
I know Feragilatr seems really scary but he's more gentle than my Beautifly.


machinisthealer November 19 2010, 04:24:26 UTC
[This.. is really mind blowing to her. The only people she knew who had a way with the monsters were Red and Green. This girl was neither of them. The pistol was lowered slightly, though not all the way.]

... Gentle isn't the word I'd use for them..


coordinatorkamo November 19 2010, 04:27:55 UTC
Well, it is for my Feragilatr. Now put that thing away and let us take you to the pokemon center. You're going to cough up a lung at this rate.


machinisthealer November 19 2010, 04:29:38 UTC
[She does so, hesitantly, putting it back on the holster of her hip. bit her hand never leaves where it is.]

Pokemon center?


coordinatorkamo November 19 2010, 04:32:27 UTC
[She's just going to gently guide you towards Feragilatr and Feragilatr lowers himself to the ground so Yellow can climb on with ease]

Yeah, you know, those places where trainers take their pokemon to get healed? Nurse Joy's the closest thing anyone has for a doctor here, so she'll be able to figure out how to help you.

[She's not exactly happy with Yellow at the moment but the girl did need help and May was going to give it to her]


machinisthealer November 19 2010, 04:35:01 UTC
Trainers? A place to heal pokemon? I don't understand..

[Why would anyone want to attempt to heal something that tears people apart without so much as batting an eyelash. Yellow stays where she is, hand twitching hesitantly, wanting to reach for her gun again.]


coordinatorkamo November 19 2010, 04:40:05 UTC
What do you mean? Trainers, people who train and work with pokemon?

[May looks confused but she gives Yellow a little push towards Feragilatr. Feragilatr just looks confused and gives a wag of his tail. He's not bad, really!]

We need a place to heal pokemon because if they get hurt under our care, it's our responsibility to make sure they get better afterwards.


machinisthealer November 19 2010, 04:44:42 UTC
But why would you work with them? They.. They'd kill you without blinking. Tear you to pieces. I've seen them do it.

[That is totally a squeak as May pushes her towards the feraligatr, which erupts into a serious coughing fit as she inhales more air then her body knows what to do with.]


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