singing host club-- i mean, café

Oct 15, 2010 11:40

 [today in the CMA, there's a new building being worked on. It looks like a restaurant, and there's a large banner being pinned up on it that says "SANYOU GYM CAFE GRAND OPENING" in bright cheerful letters. Unfortunately, the two working on putting it up seem to be having a little trouble.]

Put your end down a little, Pod.

No way! If we bring it down any lower, it's gonna cover the door!

It will not! Honestly, no one will see it all the way up there!

[Bicker bicker bicker. A girl in a waitress outfit comes out from the building to see how they're doing and sighs, pulling on her too-short-for-her-taste-skirt.]

Guys, would you please quit it? Pod, lower your end just a bit. Corn, lift yours to match up with Pod's!

Ah... if you say so, Miss Lottie...

[They comply, and finish putting the banner up. Climbing down their respective ladders, they assume their positions outside the building's entrance.

Would you care to dine?]

[OOC: Triple-post-that's-also-the-singing-event! Specify who you'd like to talk to- Corn&Pod or Lottie. Corn & Pod will be having an...escapade... in their thread, which you're welcome to post in and laugh at, or you can just post your own thread and they'll reply in barbershop-style singing. Have at!

edit: here is the song Pod & Corn were yelli--- ...singing!]

user: bustedbeaut, best sleazeball impression, event: twice more with feeling, user: waterwaiter, user: setalightinside

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