the roamer's feeling crafty~

May 10, 2010 00:29

[It seems that amidst recovering mostly all of her memory, a certain pink-haired Lake Guardian seems to have found some flowers about her travels around the island. The flora in her collective pile are quite colorful, spanning all the colors of the rainbow... maybe there's even some Gracideas too... and it seems like the playful sprite is making ( Read more... )

holy shit a giveaway, user: roamin_emotion, this is adorable

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newbarkhero May 10 2010, 06:15:31 UTC
[The flowers are bright and all, but...]

Nice hair.


roamin_emotion May 10 2010, 06:20:59 UTC
[Oh? Well, that's enough to get her attention, making her stop weaving for a moment.]

Ah, thank you! [She smiles, hoping to return the compliment.] Ah, yours is nice too!


newbarkhero May 10 2010, 22:07:40 UTC
Thanks! [My hair is pretty awesome huh.]

You making these for people? [He leans down and picks up the instructions she was looking at for inspection. :|a]


roamin_emotion May 11 2010, 03:40:25 UTC
[Nod-nod. Apparently the instructions are easy enough for a naive Lake Guardian to understand, so they're really basic.]

Would you like one? Or maybe I can make you one that you'll like!


newbarkhero May 11 2010, 09:07:02 UTC
[Gold balks at such a notion, for it would compromise his undeniable manliness, but his ten-year-old-boy-tsun shouldn't be taken personally.]

Nuh-uh, I'm not wearing flowers on my head.

[...But he sits down across from her after standing there for a moment.]

My Eevee and Togetic'd probably like 'em, though.


roamin_emotion May 11 2010, 11:34:42 UTC
[Thankfully, Mesprit's not really offended, knowing that not everyone likes certain things. Of course, she smiles at the reaction, nearly chuckling.]

You can take a couple for them if you want. I'm sure your Pokemon would enjoy it!


1/2 newbarkhero May 15 2010, 11:19:10 UTC
Sweet, thanks!

[And he sends out his moederp egg-fairy, who hovers in the air obediently. Are we battling?]

Togetic, you want one of these?

[Togetic trills WITH JOY at the sight of all of these flowers and picks up one of the crowns Mesprit's made. It's got red! And blue! And white! Togetic is red and blue and white! Actually the flowers are kind of pink but pink is light red!] Togetii!

Here. [Gold may be allergic to GIRLY FLOWERS himself, but he's not gonna force his Pokemon to be macho men. He puts it on his head for him, lol nubby short arms. Togetic twirls in the air! THUMBS UP FOR MOEFAIRY!] Lookin' good!


2/2 newbarkhero May 15 2010, 11:19:23 UTC
[Then the happiness Pokemon flies close to the pink-haired girl with a curious trill. It's less exuberant than the greetings he usually gives to nice-seeming people, but that's because it's less "HELLO YOU LOOK LIKE A NICE PERSON LET'S BE FRIENDS" and more "There's something strange about you! Not that there's anything wrong with that!"]


roamin_emotion May 15 2010, 13:45:26 UTC
[Mesprit's never seen a Togetic before - all that sleeping deep within Lake Verity made it difficult to see or recognize many other types of Pokemon much. However, the fairy-like Pokemon's happiness of having flowers on his head instantly makes her smile and laugh with an innocence.

The laughter quickly ends when the Pokemon approaches her, both of them looking curiously at the other. It's cute, that's for sure... but what in the world is it? Introductions can wait a little while. Thankfully, Mesprit can understand Poke-speak, so the girl chuckles a little as she answers. She even extends a hand as a greeting.]

Ah, it's alright to be curious, little guy... I'm a Pokemon too, just like you! I'm glad you like the flowers! Please enjoy them!


newbarkhero May 16 2010, 02:27:31 UTC
[:D :D :D Togetic bobs in the air cheerily and floats around her some more. I knew it! I knew there was something special about you! Thank you for the flower crown, miss!

GOLD IS INTRIGUED.] You're a Pokemon? For real? What kind-- no, I wanna guess. Blissey?


roamin_emotion May 16 2010, 11:52:16 UTC
[Flattered sprite is flattered. Have a blushing giggle there, Togetic.] You're welcome!

[Nod-nod. She smiles - his guessing game idea seems like a lot of fun. Of course, the Pokemon he mentions isn't one she's quite familiar with, so she shakes her head, still smiling.] No, I'm not... Wanna try again?


newbarkhero May 16 2010, 22:46:03 UTC
[OF COURSE HE DOES. He's never going to guess because he's never seen or heard of Mesprit, so Gold's just gonna go through all the pink Pokemon he knows of. |Db]

Clefairy? Wigglytuff? Wait, you're not one of those weird-colored Pokemon, are you?


roamin_emotion May 17 2010, 14:13:46 UTC
[Those ones don't sound familiar either. Of course, Mesprit doesn't know much outside of Sinnoh herself, save whatever's she's learned here on the island so far. This just isn't going to end well, is it?]

What do you mean by "weird-colored"? I've always been like this...


newbarkhero May 18 2010, 00:15:07 UTC
I mean like those Pokemon that're a different color than what they're supposed to be. Like there's a Mew here that's blue and I've got a Gyarados that's red. 'S not fair if you're one of those. You know, if your species isn't supposed to be pink.


roamin_emotion May 18 2010, 18:46:21 UTC
Ah... [She's never had to think about this sort of thing before. Recovering amnesiac present. XD] I don't think I'm anything like that. I'm the only one of me I've seen, so I guess this is how I'm supposed to be. [If she had more sense, she'd change to her original forme as proof, but she doesn't want to put things at risk... the sprite's going to just tell who she is.] I'm Mesprit, by the way. It's nice to meet you!


newbarkhero May 20 2010, 03:08:59 UTC
I'm Gold and this is Togetic. [Togetic trills and waves!]

Nice to meetcha. Is that a nickname? [IS THE GUESSING GAME STILL ON??]


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