May 01, 2010 18:51
[What a week this has been. Now Paul's finally as old as he feels.
He's mostly been going out of his away to avoid the public in the CMA, much like how he tried (and failed) to ditch everyone on his birthday a couple of weeks ago. But now, he doesn't seem quite as miserable, but he still has that stern scary face that would frighten small children.
This time, he's actually closer to the CMA and hanging around the usual training grounds. It seems most of his Pokemon have leveled up with the aging (though no real visible changes since they've already fully evolved presently); this is something he rather enjoys.
So one might take notice to the sight of Ursaring slicing large trees in half with ease, Honchkrow divebombing any target in sight, Weavile slice-and-dicing like a Pokemon version of Emeril to various benches, tables, and street lights... Magmortar setting up pleasant bonfires in epic ways as the sun begins to set, Electivire practically doing a light show with all his spiffy Special-type moves, and Torterra... well, Torterra is in the process of breaking down small plateaus and crumbling fairly large hills with his enhanced tank abilities. Rhyperior's more-or-less doing the same. Arcanine's running laps around the area, and good god don't get in his way, innocent bystanders.
Paul is just standing there with his arms folded, watching his Pokemon be awesome and smirking all the while. We won't blame you guys if you ask "Brandon" why he suddenly got a dye job, but Paul will. Don't mind him; he's just... trying to make the best of this aging curse.]
So there was a positive effect to this after all...
epic in the making,
user: battlestandby,
event: screwed up ages