(no subject)

Apr 25, 2010 22:49

 [It's Ash, up and about again after his terrifying encounter with Zorroark, casually hanging out on the beach.

His Bulbasaur, Aipom and Hippopotas are out and judging by Ash's gestures and soft whistle blows, it seems like Ash is trying to train his newest pokemon while Bulbasaur, Aipom and Pikachu help him out. They aren't the only ones of Ash's pokemon hanging around though - those with good eyes and knowledge of Ash's pokemon will probably notice a Squirtle and a Corphish swimming in the water. A charizard lounges behind him in plain view while the Sceptile up in the trees requires a lot more effort to spot, blending in as well as he does into the canopy. Up in the sky, every now an then the shadow of a bird pokemon can be seen - a swellow for the pokemon species-savvy.

It's not that strange for Ash to be hanging out with just his pokemon and train with them. What is strange however, is the way Ash looks exhausted, the way he seems to clutching his ribs and how whenever Bulbasaur has a mock battle with Hippopotas, he tends to space out, staring off into space before a nudge from Pikachu or Aipom brings him back down to earth.

He smiles sheepishly in response as always and seems to throw himself back into the training with the energy and eagerness that is typical of the kid but it looks like an endless cycle. More perceptive people will notice the way that his pokemon seem to give him worried looks occasionally. Of course, these are all things noticable only to those who are already familiar with Ash but the few who are perceptive enough might notice something a little off about this typical training session.

Do you approach? Well, even if you don't approach you might want to dodge that misfired Swift from Aipom who got bored with the training session and started to do her own thing]

user: silencedtrainer

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