The roamer's in pain

Feb 01, 2010 11:49

[Thanks to her big-brother Palkia and that quirky Swablu of hers, it seems that Mesprit is safe from harm's way. However, she still looks to be in bad shape. She's been knocked out of consciousness and is barely breathing; not to mention she's still got bruises and scrapes all over from that battle. At least she's at home just outside of the CMA, ( Read more... )

user: roamin_emotion, guise can i have some help?, this is serious, i don't feel like dancing

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distorted_deity February 3 2010, 05:08:36 UTC
[While Cyrus isn't entirely sure what to do with this little bundle of fluff, at the very least it isn't being any sort of true annoyance. If anything, it seems to be acting through concern - as simplistic though that is (surely the thing realizes that there's been copious amounts of threatening individuals about?), he indulges it for now. There's not much point in speaking to it, from the way it's behaving, and the fact remains that Mesprit is vital, whether he likes it or not.

He approaches her a bit more quickly now, though his manner remains confident as opposed to concerned; he looks her over quickly, clinically. He's not a doctor and is unsure of any sort of medical attention that might be effective; at the same time, regardless of her form, Mesprit remains a Pokemon first and foremost in his mind. Treating her as one will, at the very least, probably not damage her any further.

Attempting to Revive her seems like the safest bet for now, and it's what he ultimately decides to do; after all, he has no idea if this will work, and no intention of awakening her at full health if it does.]


roamin_emotion February 3 2010, 11:57:26 UTC
[...Ah, it seems that perhaps it has worked. After a bit of a quickly-fading glow, it seems the Revive has vanished and Mesprit's breathing returns to normal. Even her wounds are slowly fading... not completely though, but they should be easy to treat and fully heal later. It is only a Revive, after all.

Now she's basically just sleeping. Maybe there's a slight noise and some body movement as she sleeps, but she's got no clue that she's only at half-strength... Yet, she's not in real danger of being near death anymore (if you could call it that).

...Heh, you know you just wanna wake her up, right?]


distorted_deity February 4 2010, 03:04:45 UTC
[Actually, he does.

He's been watching her, some of the general unease at the situation fading as her breathing returns to a more normal pattern; morbid curiosity, however, at the exact cause of this spurs him on, causing him to reach out, his hand alighting on her shoulder. His touch is sure, but gentle; when he shakes her in an attempt to rouse her from sleep, the motion is repeated and incessant rather than simply jarring.]


roamin_emotion February 4 2010, 13:47:27 UTC
[Congrats, Cyrus. The shaking actually works, causing her to groan a little bit as her eyelids slowly blink open.]

...mmm--huh...? [She blinks again; her vision's still a bit blurry, but it's beginning to focus slowly. There's something blue nearby, she can see that much... Alto? Perhaps it is.] Wha...what happened...? I... I feel so weak...

[At least she's awake now. Be glad at the moment that she doesn't exactly sense you clearly, else she'd probably freak out.]


sing_cottonbird February 4 2010, 13:55:56 UTC
[Alto's been nearby, just watching this strange person's actions. Naturally, he's overjoyed to see his Mama awake again, so watch out -- here comes a swooping hug, landing right at Mesprit's arms.]

Swaaaa~! Mama~!

[This will get cute for a while, as Alto is being quite affectionate. Maybe a few tears too, but he's just so relieved.]


distorted_deity February 4 2010, 16:42:39 UTC
[Cyrus watches this little reunion in silence, though he's looking pretty stoic despite being faced with so much cuteness. Not angry - just blank. Unmoved.]

What happened...? I intend to ask you the same question, regarding the state I found you in.

I saw fit to give you a Revive. I am not here to secure your capture at this time...displays of panic are both unnecessary and possibly detrimental to your condition. I would suggest remaining still.

[Of course, given whom he's speaking to, Cyrus expects this advice to go over like a sack of bricks - emotions do tend to make an unholy mess of things, after all, and considering whom Mesprit is...

And then there's also the part where he has no bedside manner whatsoever - his tone is blunt and clinical, offering no amount of comfort or sympathy whatsoever; while he's far from threatening her, it's still probably not the most pleasant in the world to awaken to. But as far as he's concerned, that can't be helped.]


1/3 roamin_emotion February 4 2010, 17:23:59 UTC
[She wraps her arms carefully around the Swablu, returning the hug and the tears.] ...ah, Alto...! I'm so glad you're okay!

[Wait a minute...someone else is here. Mesprit should be able to recognize that voice... but she's just woozy for the moment as she answers, pausing as things slowly come back to her.]

...all I remember was looking for Alto... but I met that Pikachu... there was something about Earthbound Gods.... and then the Thunderbolt... Alto came back to protect me... [She pauses, feeling touched once again as she carefully turns her attention to the cottonbird in her arms. Her smile is a silent "Thank You" at best.] Everything else went black after that... [And then she looks at the source of the voice, her vision's finally better.] Oh, a Revive? T-than--


2/3 roamin_emotion February 4 2010, 17:25:03 UTC
[...wait... is that...?]


3/3 roamin_emotion February 4 2010, 17:31:45 UTC
[...oma, it is.]

Aah... I-It's...i-i-it's you!

[Commencing a freak-out right now, kthx. When this is the guy that wants to catch you, who wouldn't go crazy, right? She's just keeping her Swablu baby close to her at the moment, hoping that he's got no ideas of getting her now.]


distorted_deity February 4 2010, 17:44:23 UTC
[...yes. Well.

He's unsurprised, as he would have been a special kind of stupid to not have seen this coming; he continues to watch her, his eyes cold, though he does step back a bit to increase the distance between them before he replies.

His hand twitches slightly as he does so; it was odd to have touched her, even for that brief while when he had awakened her, and he runs the fingers of his other hand across it as he clasps them together behind his back. The action had gone against instinct - one simply doesn't touch the Being of Emotion, at least not bare-handed. This was a fact he had known for as long as he had been able to read up on the mythology and theology of Sinnoh; at the same time, she had told him some time ago about the lack of the curse's effect when she was in this particular form - not to mention that he still fails to consider the consequences of touching her to be a true curse at all.]

Allow yourself to be rational for a moment...assuming such a thing is possible.

If I intended to capture you now, wouldn't it have been in my best interests to allow you to remain unconscious...? Reviving you...the only thing such an act would achieve is needlessly complicating things.


roamin_emotion February 4 2010, 18:38:11 UTC
[Somehow, she managed to calm herself a little as Cyrus spoke. Just a little, only because she felt cautious whenever in his presence. Who could blame her - he had done some horrible things to her and her siblings, after all.

Wait...she was unconscious? Well, that explains the blackout... and probably why she still feels a little achy. The last time she felt like that was when Mesprit separated her soul from her body for a few days. Things sure did feel a lot different in a human forme, that was for sure.]

...well, you do make a good point. [Mesprit sighed. Personally, she couldn't believe that she was about to say this to him.] Still, I suppose I... I should thank you at least. I can tell that Alto was very worried about me... and I really do appreciate your help.


distorted_deity February 4 2010, 18:44:38 UTC
[Cyrus just looks at her strangely; clearly, he can't really believe it, either. While he hadn't particularly cared for the shrieking and the way she had been clutching her Swablu to her as though he were about to slaughter one or both of them, he's beginning to question whether such a thing was preferable - after all, that had been expected. This is just awkward.]

...I have my own reasons for assisting. Regardless...your gratitude has been acknowledged.


roamin_emotion February 4 2010, 19:38:35 UTC
[Have a head-tilt and a pause in return as Mesprit attempts to think this over. Part of her would question what his reasons were, but she shakes that off, figuring something else... maybe something good?]

...Hmm, maybe you still have some compassion in you... [Yes, she knew how weird that sounded when talking about someone like Cyrus, but someone would have to have even a tiny bit of compassion in their hearts to help them, right? Maybe that's why she said it quietly.]


distorted_deity February 4 2010, 21:54:33 UTC
[Oh, he heard. She is, after all, the only speech-capable being around, and their surroundings are nowhere near as loud as they have been.]

I can assure you, Being of Emotion...such sentiments remain useless to me. Surely you realize by now that I would not partake in such vacuous actions. Compassion is a hindering delusion at best...nothing more.


roamin_emotion February 4 2010, 22:22:10 UTC
[She probably should have expected that sort of response from him... but blame her for still being out of it. Mesprit was usually good at remembering things, but perhaps she's still grateful for being brought back into consciousness after that attack.]

Ah, yes... hmm, I must have forgotten about that... but still, you did help me out, and to me, that was proof enough that you do care-- [...wait, what. This is Cyrus you're talking about, little pixie. Are you insane. Still, Mesprit was speaking what she felt, but she tried to quickly change her choice of words.] --ah, I mean, you still have emotions, after all... although you do hide them well...


distorted_deity February 4 2010, 22:46:22 UTC
[Okay, that was...well. What was that...? Other than a lot of backpedaling at the last minute, that is. Either way, he's not angry with her. If anything, he's looking at her a bit oddly again, but the expression passes quickly and before long his features are impassive again.

Though he isn't showing it physically, that attempt at an abrupt verbal about-face was oddly entertaining, unsuccessful though it may have been.


Do you still not believe me when I say that I have renounced all emotion? Somehow I doubt that you can fathom such a such, you will see my intentions as far different than what they actually are. Your perception remains clouded...keep in mind that everything I do has some sort of logical reasoning behind it.

I have spared your life. This much is the same time, remember this well. This was not a random act of compassion...everything has a purpose.

[His gaze flicks upward then, pointedly focusing on the gem adorning her forehead before he returns to giving her eye contact.]



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