(no subject)

Sep 06, 2009 08:09

[Daily life at the CMA is interrupted as shriek of horror pierces through the quiet atmosphere. May stumbles in, looking absolutely horrified as she looks around wildly and pulls at her clothes. Except. They're not really her clothes. No.The fact that she's dressed in clothing reminiscent to a green cacturne may be familiar to some people]
Th-this---I don't even---THIS ISN'T FUNNY! WHERE DID MY CLOTHES GO?!

[s-sob. She's glaring at the ground below her now, as if it'll magically command for the island to turn her clothes back to normal] THESE AREN'T MIIIIIINEEEE and I DON'T WANT TO LOOK LIKE HARLEY!!!!! I HAVE CLASS, UNLIKE HIM.


WAUGHHHHHHH! [yanking at her hair, this is so not cool. And her pokemon are just staring at her. They're kind of disturbed]

[OOC: CLOTHES-SWAP EVENT!!! So basically, what your character normally wears? Will be automatically replaced with the outfit of another character in any one of the anime, game and manga canons. And it can be any of the cool outfits of the characters have worn previously in their lives, not just their day to day outfit. For example, Ruby can show up in Misty's Kanto outfit but he can also suddenly appear in her Goldeen-esque clothing she wore when she was a magician's assistant. The only requirement is that it MUST BE A CANON OUTFIT.

All attempts at replacing the clothing will be futile and the outfit will become exceedingly more embarassing the more your character tries to replace it. E.g Paul tried to replace Ash's Hoenn outfit with his own clothes. Suddenly, his own clothes become a fluro pink version of Ash's. He does it again and sparkles are added. He does it again and bows are added etc etc etc

Now, GO GO GO GO. Don't have to post to reply to May and threadhopping is GOOD]

event: one-shot, this is amusing, user: coordinatorkamo

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