How wide can you dream?

Feb 29, 2012 21:28

[The CMA is a good place for announcements, right? Touko may not have been out and about very much at all since her arrival on the island, but even so, she knows it's a major activity hub.

Which is why she can be found in the CMA, riding on her Bouffalant and being fairly noisy. She wants to be a spectacle and attract attention. She has one doozy of a story, after all.]


This is pretty important, so listen up! The island spoke to me earlier, and it is not a happy camper! It's sick and tired of being "owned" by a Giratina, in particular. I don't know who exactly it wanted me to tell, so I'm just gonna tell everyone!!

[Chronic liar though she may be, this isn't one of her tall tales. Every word is true.]

((OOC: A'ight guys, kicking off the IC business regarding the DW mirror. Feel free to threadjack, mingle, let the news travel along the grapevine and grow into wild rumors, etc. And you can also feel free to assume Touko is lying! HAVE AT. Also Touko isn't new to the island, she intro'd during an event and I haven't done much of anything with her since, so she lacks a user tag. Derp.))

user: hasnohalo, i am yelling!!, even islands have history, come at anyone brosises, fuck yeah unova, conspiring with the island

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