[Nuria puts her hands up!] Would you like mine, then? I could just clasp onto whatever I needed to grab. Maybe these socks would fit your feet more? Or would they be too big?
Emmet, those aren't gloves. [When you get up in the morning, what do you do with the socks he lays out for you? You know where those go, so what makes these any different?!]
If Ingo showed expression, his face would be aglow.
Unfortunately for Ingo, the Island's mirth
Enjoys giving the poor Boss a bit less than he's worth.
So when he closely inspects his Island-gift haul
He'll find that his socks are several sizes too small.
...Not that Nuria has the brightest idea that the socks go on her feet, and she's using them as gloves.]
...Those socks look a little small. Did the island give them to you?
Ingo is slightly abashed at being caught glaring holes into his gift.]
Ah. Yes, it did, and yes, they are...
[... .... .......] And on your hands, miss Nuria, are those yours...?
Nuria nods, looking to the socks closely.] ...Maybe you can give them back and ask for a larger pair. Do you think the island will let you do that?
[Looking to her hands when he asks, she nods.] Yes. I thought they would be more useful like this.
[Back to her socks.] It might be a little difficult to grasp things, don't you think?
he raised you better than this]
Emmet, those aren't gloves. [When you get up in the morning, what do you do with the socks he lays out for you? You know where those go, so what makes these any different?!]
...I'll get you better ones. You can use your thumbs in them. [Socks don't exactly allow for good use of opposable thumbs, you know...]
Come on, then. [Back home to visit Box! And also the drawer, to find those gloves...
He offers his hand, to keep Emmet from getting lost.]
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