[Today is a great day.
Because today is the day of Eusine's mystery egg's hatching! It was long overdue, really. But after all, it is only logical legendary Pokémon eggs would take longer to hatch than their more common counterparts!
Clearly, it has nothing to do with the fact Eusine didn't do enough running around lately, or even the Island's tendency to pull stupid pranks. Or his mun's inability to post often.
... But why, then, is he making the derpiest of faces? It really is a magnificent creature! All smooth curves and vivid blue, its skin softly sparkling as if it were made of a thousand tiny diamonds. All in all, a sight people only rarely ever see.
About once in 8192, to be exact.
Well, at least you can't accuse gulpinwife of cheating on you, Eusine. The kid looks too much like his daddy.]