I swear we'll figure out html someday

Jun 18, 2011 23:33

[Ariana and Pete... no, that can’t be Pete. That’s a WOMAN. Pete has short hair and there is absolutely no way he would be caught dead in a skirt. ... ... right?

Ariana and a strange purple-haired woman are out today, and Ari’s putting make-up on her. Ari seems very happy to be, finally, doing girly things again. Clayton has apparently been left with Archer and Pete for a while, today, it seems.]

For the last time, you do NOT look like a hooker. A skank, maybe.

Nope. Definitely a hooker. [Ariana’s friend’s voice is low and husky for a woman, but within the feminine range. “She” looks mournfully at “her” reflection in a mirror, critically examining the heavily applied eye shadow and thick mascara.]

Don’t be ridiculous, “Patty”. Or can we go with Petunia? I knew a Petunia, she was a sweet kid.

That poor damn kid. Eh, it’s fine.

Yeah, Patty is such a granny’s name.

Like Petunia ain’t? [Petunia sighs and sets the mirror aside, examining “her” neatly done nails. They are, of course, purple.]

Hey, if you’re gonna have a hideous southern accent, why not do a southern belle?

Oy! This ain’t southern. This is inner-city. [Offended, “she” clears “her” throat.] This is a southern drawl, darlin’.

Holy shit, that sounds hideous. No, I think if anything you have to go with a Marylin Monroe.

[Petunia smiles crookedly, before remarking:] Ari, baby, I love you. But I look enough like a tramp as it is.

Well we have to do a little work if you’re gonna be my “wing-man”. Can’t pick up guys with a city slicker or dirty south accent. Anyway, I have a surprise for you. It’s my birthday gift to me! But I got one for you too.

[Ari whips out a pack of cigarettes. And then a second pack!]

I was gonna share these with “Pete”, but you’ll do, Patty.

au: strayverse, user: allyostrays, user: fixyostrays

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