May 09, 2011 01:16
[If you happen to be walking on the beaches of Awesome Island today, there is a chance you'll come across a rather terrifying sight.
It's not the giant, explosive ball. After all, anyone who knows Electrode will tell you it's as much of a derp as its trainer; and it's not the aforementioned trainer seated on said giant explosive ball, either. Can anyone ever find Eusine intimidating? An interesting question, that would probably require years and years or research. Or maybe simply a resounding "LOL NO".
But today, something that should have never happened happened, thanks to the Island's vortex of multiverses.
Ladies and Gentlemen, today Eusine is reading Twilight.
This is about as disastrous as it sounds.
Come and make fun of his horribad taste in literature y/y I am a terrible person]
not your personal sitcom,
user: hark_a_suicune,
this is amusing,
i am a moron,
you need to get laid