(no subject)

Apr 17, 2011 15:19

[Why, hello there, Awesome Island! Were you planning to have a quiet Sunday for some relaxation time? Well, think again.

Hoenn denizens might be familiar this silver-haired Champion, and so his current antics might not feel all that odd to them. To anyone else, however, it might be a little puzzling to figure out why in the worlds anyone would be digging and drilling through caves that early in the morning. Employing assistance from a very loud Aggron, just to cap matters. If asked, he'll have an answer to that, and it will even sound somewhat reasonable and convincing! Really!

... Unless you happen to be close friends with him, of course. Then you'll probably know what he's actually doing. And if you happen to be one of the poor unfortunate souls who don't have a clue, well, let's just say you're lucky if Steven pays attention to conversation long enough to divulge his plans. You see, rather than busy, he's quite entertained here.

It's not every day that you land on a different dimension and get the chance to look for rare stones, after all!]

:awesome: dynamic entry, user: rollingsteven, living up to my family name, character introduction

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