the most unsilent of hills

Mar 31, 2011 04:20

[ In the CMA this evening lit by the dim glow of Volbeat and Illumise butts, there sits a Aaron and his swarm of lovelyba. It seems to be a very cuddlyhappy sort of event, because all ten of said lovelyba are snuggling up to Aaron, snuggling up to disgruntled firebutt bugs, snuggling up to grass, and snuggling up to you. ]

[ But you can't be mad at them - look at how cute and pink they are! Their dots are replaced by white hearts, and - and well you don't know why but you feel more kindhearted and loving when they glomp all over you. Not quite to the same effect of when they first arrived on the island, but you feel like being less of a douche than normal at least, or more smiley if you're not a douche. ]

[ Aaron himself is amused by his plethora of bug-types, and happy as a clam - his Combee babies are buzzing about as well. Seems tonight is just a very buggy evening, care to share in the lovefest, or just stare at him funny from afar? Maybe you even just remember the lovelyba with horror and want to bop them or something, who knows. ]

the happiest day, talk to me, guise wtf is going on here?, can has hug?, this is kawaii, you need to get laid, user: [dropped characters - sinnoh]

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