R - Maybe not the best place to hatch an egg - Event NPCs welcome!

Mar 27, 2011 14:59

[He made the mistake of walking into Silent Hills. Then he made the mistake of taking orangemineral with him. As terrifying as this place is, Archer has no intention of turning around an leaving... unless of course Jasmine wants to. It would be an easy way out, and he wouldn't have to admit to being scared of an abandoned town with crazy Rattatas in the grass.]

[But Jasmine continued with him. And now, much deeper into this strange place than he'd like to be, the creepy music growing louder with every step, Archer feels something bump against his back.]

[It takes him a moment to remember that he has the Snivy egg he won from Lyra in his backpack. He carefully sets it down and takes out the perfectly normal-looking egg. It has a few cracks in it and the Pokemon inside is clearly eager to get out. Archer sets it on the ground and watches it, fascinated despite the current situation.]

[The egg cracks in half and reveals a perfectly normal fuelingfear. Rather than acting like a newly-hatched Pokemon though, he flips the egg shell off his head and catches it in one hand, smirking. That immediately raises warning flags in Archer's head - baby Pokemon aren't supposed to be that coordinated, are they?]

[He doesn't have time to consider it further. Out of the grass leaps something that could have once been a Raticate (were there even Raticates in the grass? what is this place?). Large fangs are stained a dull red-brown and the Pokemon is missing an ear, scrapes and scars all over it. It's far larger than any normal Raticate too - and it's jumping right at that newly hatched Snivy.]

[Archer moves to order Houndoom to attack, but he knows it's already too late. There's no way that baby Pokemon can withstand an attack from that terrifying Raticate--]

[The Snivy just stands there, still smirking and right as the Raticate is about to land an attack, he opens his mouth... and unleashes a Hyper Beam attack. The Raticate is blasted away with a screech of pain. Not only does Archer look completely disturbed, but Houndoom is wearing a very similar expression.]

[Then the Snivy turns to Archer.] Hello, trainer.

[...Did it just talk?]

Oh don't look so surprised! In case you haven't noticed, this isn't the best place to hatch a baby Pokemon, now is it? Enough of that though. You may call me Bane, trainer. If you try to return me to a Pokeball I will not be pleased.

[What. The. Hell.]

(( OOC: Feel free to interact with either of them - though more likely than not they'll both respond. More information about Bane the Snivy can be found in his journal. ))

:awesome: dynamic entry, event: silent hills, user: orangemineral, user: rocketambition, screwing with the head, deal with the devil, oh my god

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