((OOC: I figured sense this is THE creepy event, I may as well intro...well, a couple creepy muses. Nightmare Fuel!Lyra, however, is just gonna be a oneshot. Jade, however, will fully introed in a separate part of the town. I wouldn't mind an RNG monster, but for convenience sake (and saving Ran some trouble) it'll just be for one of the two. Feel free to pick who shall fall victim!
Also, please label in the subject who you'd like to interact with. Either A or B~))
[A. (Nightmare Fuel!Lyra.)
That creepy little town seems to be much more than what meets the eye for a lot of you, isn't it? Sorry to say...this torture has only begun for you. Because along with this perfect little town, comes the perfect little lady who appears to be taking advantage of this lovely tune...
Because if you are in the area? You may here a
faint melody being sung along with the creepy music. Worst part is it's in perfect key...enjoy your new creepy bard, Silent Hills!]
[B. (Jade [Relinquished Emerald])
Just when you thought this place couldn't get weirder, it seems...because just arrived from the land of creepiness? A green dressed May appears to be running for her very life from something...before running RIGHT into a tree. Either this girl isn't very bright, or...well, you know the drill, island. Still, she's gathering herself and checking on her glasses...perhaps someone would be kind enough to fill her in?]