itp it is way too early for this shit

Mar 19, 2011 11:57

[Gevri and Thunderbee wake up with the sunrise to get to the dropbox and distribute its contents to the intended recipients. The time isn't the unusual part of what's going on - it's the noise.

Sorry about all the screaming, dear islanders, but there is a...a something running off with the last of the morning's deliveries. Bouncing off. Whatever its method of locomotion, it is being very quick about it. It is also the reason that Thunderbee is completely covered in a cottony substance that caused him to crash clumsily into the ground, where he is now lying in a weakly buzzing heap.

Chasing after it is Gevri herself, screaming furiously at the giggling plant-thing as it bounces away with the bag of letters. Once, she makes as though to jump on it...but falls back with a wince at the realization of how stupid an idea that is.

Neither shows any signs of stopping this ridiculousness any time soon.

> Intervene
> Boggle vacantly at these shenanigans
> Start up Yakkety Sax
> ?...]

user: sandyletters, i am a moron

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