We Do Profit-Making Schemes Too! Not Just Takeovers!

Mar 14, 2011 09:15

[For the first time since Silver took control of Team Rocket, he's called an assembly of all Rockets, in uniform. Once the grunts were assembled, they would have received a brief mission objective - exploring the umbra caves and surrounding area for rare stones or pokemon. Each grunt has been given a pick, a shovel, a sack, and twenty "Rocket" ( Read more... )

bow to team rocket, user: [dropped characters - johto]

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bandagedbandit March 14 2011, 17:16:47 UTC
[Profit-making scemes that A, don't involve kicking any asses or taking any names, and B, substitute those activities with combing caves/woodlands/wherever are something Clarissa finds mighty tedious. Of course, she'll reluctantly put up with doing them, but not without alerting everyone in the immediate area to how damn much this sucks as loudly as she can until she gets punted by a higher-up to stop bitching and work.

Today, though? She is so very cool with this. Having orders and something to do again - however minor it might be - feels excellent, and the admin seems to be having a pretty good time of it all, storming about pushing around the grunts and generally being her usual jerk-ass self, visibly happier than she's been in weeks.]

Oh man, it feels so great to be back in uniform again, you have no freakin' idea...!


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bandagedbandit March 15 2011, 20:25:24 UTC
[Yeah, well. Watch it, if you want that stupid uniform of yours to stay that white. There are plenty of piles of dirt ready for her to grab a handful of and fling at you, and she's willing to bet she can throw faster than you can dodge.

A couple of the Grunts snicker and get shot the deadliest of glares, before Clarissa whirls around to confront the executive, looking all flustered and indignant.]

No! I...I was not talking to myself, do you hear me?! Like I'd ever do anything anywhere near that stupid...!


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bandagedbandit March 15 2011, 21:35:24 UTC
[It would still have been worth it...!!

She grabs for whatevers left of her dignity and crosses her arms in an overly bold fashion, turning her nose up at Archer. This grin here is the smuggest, too.]

What ever do you mean, Exec? I have far more important things to do than dig. Like giving the Grunts all the proper motivation. [...motivation that comes in the form of a hard collision between a steel-toe-capped boot and the shins if they slack off for even a moment.]


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bandagedbandit March 16 2011, 19:59:53 UTC
[She smirks]

As if I wouldn't. What do you take me for, Exec? One of the Grunts?

[...Because obviously she never strays off task or disobeys orders herself, nope! ♥

...But the Grunts are looking sufficiently bruised contented with digging not to require her assistance for a moment, so chatting with you doesn't count as veering off task, right? It's been a while and all. ...Not...not that she particularly wants to talk to you or anything! Hmph!]

I'm just glad we're doing something again, y'know? I mean, finally...! I've been so damn bored lately, it's been driving me crazy. I almost thought I was gonna go insane as-- [Oops. She bites back the urge to add "Proton" to the end of that sentence there - that might not be quite wise.]

...Do you know if this means things will be getting active again now? Has not-Boss said anything?


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bandagedbandit March 18 2011, 22:26:35 UTC
[Pushing it comes naturally without her even trying - she can't seem to help but put a foot in her mouth every two sentences or so. Especially when talking to Archer, which is always especially aggravating. Seriously, you should lighten up a bit, Executive.]

I thought--!! [...maybe being this loud in front of the rest of the Team isn't such a sane idea. She whips her head around to check none of the Grunts are listening in nearby and that Silver is definitely out of earshot, before sidling subtly closer and dropping her voice to a harsh whisper]

I thought we still had doubts about what not-Boss's actual intentions for the Team are?! So, what - are you saying we can trust the guy now?


theylookedaway March 16 2011, 05:41:43 UTC
[You are wearing that uniform and we hate you for it.

...Have a Red. He looks angry. Or rather, terrified, and trying very hard to disguise it as being angry, if you're observant.]


bandagedbandit March 16 2011, 19:26:56 UTC
[It takes until she finishes yelling at a frightened-looking female Grunt for Clarissa to notice the presence of any non-Rocket members nearby. At first, she doesn't realise that the child is anyone more than a generic trespasser, spinning around to face him fully and taking a deep breath in preparation to shout at him to get the hell out.

But then she realises, and... well. Her already nasty expression lights up in a way that is none too pleasant, the sharp smirk spreading across her face laden with some dark emotion that's somewhere between hatred and malicious delight.]

Well, well, well...now what have I found here?! You of all people have some real nerve showing up here, brat!

[She takes a step forward and thrusts her hand out - unless Red moves quickly he's going to find himself being grabbed by the shirt and yanked harshly towards Clarissa.]


theylookedaway March 16 2011, 20:15:14 UTC
[That's all it takes. Red jerks away, panicked, but not fast enough; Clarissa manages to seize the fabric of his shirt and drag him forward. Startled, the boy lets out a harsh cry and starts clawing at her arm, desperate to make her let go-if he were actually thinking he'd go for his belt instead, release one of his pokémon, but he can't.

If he looked angry a second ago, he doesn't know, just spooked and clearly frightened.

But very, very desperate.]


...oh man I am so sorry about how late this is. What is prompt tagging, I fail at it bandagedbandit March 25 2011, 21:23:55 UTC
[The clawing is definitely effective in getting Clarissa away. The Rocket admin hisses in pain, and after a brief few moments of attempting to stay steadfast through the sudden clawing and keep holding on regardless, gives in, shoving Red violently backwards. She casts a curt glance to her arm, the skin of which is already beginning to marr with the angry red scratch marks, spots of blood speckled here and there, as well as a trail of blood from where a half-healed cut just got opened again. With an enraged 'tch!' she tears Magmar's pokeball from her belt and releases the pokemon.]

You insolent little--! ...You sure look scared though, don'cha? I expected the infamous Red to be bolder than this, but you're just one huge disappointment, aren't you? Get him, Magmar!

[With one swift gesture, Clarissa orders the Fire-type forward, and it springs towards Red, hands outstretched in a bid to grab him by the throat and, should he manage to get hold, attempt to pin the trainer to the cave wall.]


a-aaw don't be sorry it happens to all of us <3 theylookedaway March 25 2011, 21:50:44 UTC
[Red stumbles back, managing to stay upright only out of instinct, although it takes a few seconds before he stops wobbling on his feet. He bites down on a sob of relief at being released, shaking hard, but he doesn't have any time to let his guard down before the girl (the Rocket) is speaking again.

The words sting, and the boy cringes-stupid stupid, don't ever let them see you're afraid-but taking the time to react costs him dearly. Before Red can grab for his own pokémon, the fire-type has him by the throat. Red screams without meaning to, the sound raw, and he tries to free himself with one hand while reaching for a pokéball with the other. He's thrashing like a caged animal in the Magmar's grip. It's over. She's going to kill him. She's going to-]


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