Oct 08, 2009 15:48

Hey everyone! It's great to see so much activity here. :)

Everyone who can be stamped (reular or theme) has been stamped, though I still owe some people some images. Also, if you've been stamped but I haven't made your image yet, you're still goos to go for the theme. I'm a bit behind on image making since I've been going nonstop this week, and I would not want you to think that you have to wait til you have a stamp image to apply for the theme.

I will probably keep the elemental type theme open even when I have started the Legendary Pokemon theme (which will either be in the middle of October or the start of November depending on how busy I am). All I will ask is that people only have one unstamped application up at a time. The themes will not close for a while so you should not have a problem doing whichever ones you like.

Soon I will be putting up a poll for future themes so that I can start working on those as well.

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