Feb 04, 2009 21:48
I don't care if I sound like a bitch. There are some people from my past that have caused me much anger and pain. No more holding back. I will leave my words here, instead of keeping my bad thoughts in my mind. Although they will never hear it from my mouth, this is what I wish I could to say to them. At least I know I am saying what I have needed to say for so long.
1. It's like I knew what I was getting myself into before I even met you. You were everything I never wanted. Deep down, I knew I would end up with someone like you. I tried to be good. I tried to make sure I never got on your bad side. I'm still not sure how, but I crossed the line at some point. Instead of being honest, you refused any communication until I figured it out for myself. You are the coldest person I have ever met. I don't care what you have gone through, nothing justifies what you did to me. All the ignorance and inconsiderateness was absolutely revolting. You turned complete strangers against me. You tried so hard to make my life miserable. You made me dread any day that there was even a chance of seeing you. You are arrogant and toxic, and I am glad I will never have a reason to see your hideous existence again.
2. You proved to me that actions speak much louder than words. Which is surprising, as I thought little to nothing could be more deafening than the sound of your voice. You have shown me that being nice does not always mean the treatment is returned. I just wanted to be a little bit of happiness in your life. I guess that is all I was. A very little bit of happiness. That was my only role. After everything I did, I never made much of an impact. The walls you build around yourself are too high for anyone to realistically climb over. I wish you luck in finding someone who makes you happy and doesn't end up to be an inconvenience for you. I think it is funny... You have turned into the kind of person you used to find despicable. But it is funnier how you are completely unaware of this! I have learned that it was never I who had the problem. You just do not know how to appreciate. It was your loss. I lost nothing. You are nothing. You no longer exist. You are dead to me. I wish I could make you feel the pain you caused me, but that is not my job. I am better than that. But one day, karma will give you a big kick in the ass, and I can't wait.
3. You are a sad excuse for a human being. You are a lazy ass fuck. An awful friend, if one could even call you a friend. You think of no one but yourself. You put me through hell and ruined my self esteem. You started out sweet, but eventually treated me like a toy. I thought you would change for the better. But I was wrong. I was always wrong. I do not pity myself. I feel bad for you, I really do. You have little to look forward to in life. You give up far too easily, and work for nothing. You are in denial of life. Have fun in the world you think you live in.
4. I hid nothing from you. I was honest and sincere with you, always. I thought that after all we went through, we could stay in each others lives. But you refused to listen. To really listen. I never meant to hurt you, and I did everything in my power to keep you from feeling any more pain. I cannot keep analyzing what happened between us, to see where things began to turn. This hurts me too, to not be accepted just as I am. I couldn't be anything more for you, but that is something I cannot apologize for. I never said you didn't deserve a second chance. This had nothing to do with our past. Just like you couldn't control how you felt about me, I couldn't control how I didn't feel about you. It hurts to let you go, but I have to if it hurts for you to hang on. I hope you have a wonderful life. I wish I could be a part of it.