I'm not sure why I keep updating, there's hardly anyone here any more, even less that bother to read/comment, though I try my best to comment on other people's journals, I know I'm not doing as much as I could...such is life - things ebb and flow, this one seems to be ebbing...I finished LA Noire over the weekend and saw Pirates of the Caribbean:
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Re-release of LOTR??? That's interesting!
And I've heard that Pirates in 3D don't worth the money (though I saw the usual version - I hate 3D tbh XD). I kinda liked the movie, I think it's the most bearable of all, I was interested in Syrena/Philip story's ending and also liked Barbossa. XD
Aww... I would like to read personal updates from you *hugs*
*hugs back* :))) IDK it's just when you don't say anything nobody gets offended. I decided that if I'll only post the flowers it will be better for everyone. :) In Anakin's words "I don't want to be a problem". So I just quit sharing my feelings.
Yeah, I can understand that, but... my words still stand :) I would like "hear" more from you, on the personal front as well :)
I'll think about that. :)
We are such a spammers! :DD
Spammers and show-offs. :D
I started my Scrapbook in May, lol.
yes! for the release of the HD versions next month, they're showing each of the EE versions here! Its a one-night movie, but I bought my tickets :)
not in 3D, but it is worth seeing if you're a fan :) yes - me too! that was rather compelling...what happened to them?
IDK lol I hope it was the happy ending! I thought they'll show that he got the tail too. Or you think this story will continue in the next movie? It looks pretty finished for me.
can men become Mermen? huh...
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