don't try and stop me

Nov 25, 2009 10:40

Good Morning Everyone :) well, the definition of being off is totally lost on me, I spent at least half the day yesterday working on stuff for work...faboo...I did see New Moon again on Monday, better the second time, but not as funny :p I've got two other updates. The Giants snapped their four-game losing streak and I saw Paranormal Activity last night.

well, it was a tough game, the Giants lead by as much as two touchdowns, but let the Falcons come back. They did win by a field goal in overtime.

Our next game is Thursday night against the Broncos - it's a Thanksgiving Special game ;)

and a spoilery review of the movie

In a nutshell, Paranormal Activity is basically akin to Blair Witch Project. A deliciously low-budget movie, the story follows a girl and her boyfriend as they try to free themselves from a dark entity in their home.

The scariest thing about the movie, I thought, was that you never actually saw a physical manifestation of anything. Whatever was happening, it was invisible to both the camera and to the people in the movie. The movie is supposed to be a mockumentary, but it did have a very 'real' feel to it.

The boyfriend is amazed by the phenomenon, but as the movie progresses, we see the girlfriend is neither amused or impressed, she just wants it to stop. It turns out that the dark spirit has been with her since she was eight, and this fact gets compounded when they hear something in the attic, he goes to investigate, and finds a picture of her that was charred but by all rights should be destroyed as there was a fire years and years ago.

They reach out to an expert, but it's a ghost expert and he tells them that they need a demonoligist. Of course, they don't call the guy until way too late. The boyfriend continues to record the activity and catches the girlfriend waking up in the middle of the night and standing to the side of the bed for about two and a half hours. They catch this on tape, and when asked about it, she doesn't remember any of it.

The 'haunting' continues and the boyfriend continues to antagonise the demon. At one point he puts powder on the floor and they see the footprints of the demon as it comes into their bedroom. I don't want to give too much away, but it was just terrifying. In one scene, the night before the final 'night' of the movie, the demon, invisible, comes into their bedroom, grabs the girls leg and drags her out of bed and down the hallway. She screams for the boyfriend who runs to get her, but it was an amazing series of terrifying events!

The final night I'll leave out, but suffice it to say, it was pretty scary! The final 'day' was massively scary and I won't lie, I had my eyes covered for most of it. The last few minutes of the movie reminded me a lot of Blair Witch - the story comes to an end and much of it is off-screen, so it makes your mind just run wild.

For a very low budget, less than $11K I think - it was well worth seeing and I totally had issues sleeping :p I did see it at 10 at night :p okay, I have to check things out and then get moving. Hope you're all doing well :)

movie reviews, football, sports

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