Here's a little post just to make sure this community doesn't die. This troll isn't as amusing as it could be. It knows it's a troll, and it's not doing a whole lot to make people mad. I do realize that it has been around for over a week, and that everyone has probably already seen it, but I was gone when it started, and no one has reported it yet.
fu_deleteriusTroll factor:
(mostly harmless)
Key points: Makes no sense and talks about various food items.
Summary thus far: Each entry is only about one sentence long, and is very random. It friended a bunch of people (including me) and joined a bunch of communities (including this one). I guess its original purpose was to troll
deleterius, but as I don't follow that community I don't know if it actually did or not.
The entries are very nonsensical, and quite amusing. Most of the commenters are amused as well, though some are taking this a little too seriously.