(no subject)

Jun 30, 2006 12:37

the following is a message circulated through livejournal and myspace. leave me comments if you want. defend anything you want. its not difficult to understand if you take a step back and look at things

You call me "Cracker", "Honkey", "Milky" and you think it's OK.

But when I call you Kike, Towelhead, WOP, Mic, Sand-nigger, Camel Jockey, Gook, Nigger, Canadian, Spic or Chink you call me a racist.

You say that whites commit a lot of violence against you, so why are the ghettos the most dangerous places to live?

You have the United Negro College Fund.
You have Martin Luther King Day.
You have Black History Month.
You have Cesar Chavez Day.
You have Yom Hashoah
You have Ma'uled Al-Nabi
You have the NAACP.
You have BET.

If we had WET(white entertainment television) ...we'd be racists.

If we had a White Pride Day... you would call us racists.

If we had white history month... we'd be racists.

If we had an organization for only whites to "advance" our lives... we'd be part of the KKK, even though the Black Panthers were perfectly fine.

If we had a college fund that only gave white students scholarships...you know we'd be racists.

In the Million Man March, you believed that you were marching for your race and rights. If we marched for our race and rights...you would call us racists.

Did you know that some high school students decided to make a club for only the white students because the other ethnicities had them... they all got sent to court for being rasist but the african-american, latino, and asia clubs were not even questioned.

You are proud to be black, brown, yellow and orange, and you're not afraid to announce it. But when we announce our white pride, you call us racists.

I have many different friends, of many cultures


I am white.
I am proud.

But, you call me a racist.

Why is it that only whites can be racists?

i hated this the first time i saw it and i hate it now.

why? because its only proclaiming that its not fair that white people have to sit through displays of other cultures. well how about this:

If we had WET(white entertainment television) ...we'd be racists.
you do have wet. its called mtv, vh1, cnn, nbc, abc...etc etc. just because it doesn't say "white" in front of it doesn't hide the fact that the majority of news personalities are white. or that most television shows are focused on white-middle class lifestyle. any sitcoms featuring minorities plays up the minority bit with stereotypes so that the white masses can chuckle and nod saying "yup, those black/hispanic people..." don't get it? watch "the george lopez show" and see how he envys the fact that they had kids out of high school and never went to college. watch "my wife and kids" and see how the husband and wife are made to be stupid about the ways of living in suburbia and feel the need to portray their "ghetto" side for comic relief.

If we had a White Pride Day... you would call us racists.
its called the fourth of july, independence day. because if you recall, it was only whites that gained independence and "freedom" from their opressor at the time. not to mention that nearly all major holidays are historically celebrated by european-whites.

If we had an organization for only whites to "advance" our lives... we'd be part of the KKK, even though the Black Panthers were perfectly fine.
first of all the KKK is not an organization for advancement. secondly, the black panthers spawned out of a need to combat groups and people with the ideaology of the KKK as to defend the civil liberties they were being denied. yes, their tactics at times weren' t non-violent...but compared to the brutality and hatred of the KKK it would make sense that someone would want to defend themselves.

If we had a college fund that only gave white students scholarships...you know we'd be racists.
you do. that would be every scholarship that is for italians, germans, irish, and polish descendant. that would be every scholarship that asks for an entry fee of $50 (knowing that blacks make up the highest poverty level, how are they to even apply for more than one scholarship?). that is every scholarship that requires you to check a box answering what race you are or to submit a photo of yourself...because the reviewers are people like the writer of the original message and believe that minorities get too much.

In the Million Man March, you believed that you were marching for your race and rights. If we marched for our race and rights...you would call us racists.
you don't have to march for your rights, whereas those in the MMM have basic things denied to them regularly based on discrimination. the march to show people that there IS discrimination. when your rights have been taken away from you, you DO march for your rights...vietnam war? peace protests? hell even now people are organizing similar events for the war, gas prices, politics, in which they feel that their rights are limited. what about groups like Mothers Against Drunk Drivers? they march. do you feel it is unfair to the people that choose to drive drunk? perhaps someone should organize a march to support the poor drunks?

Did you know that some high school students decided to make a club for only the white students because the other ethnicities had them... they all got sent to court for being rasist but the african-american, latino, and asia clubs were not even questioned.
in schools, where students tend to be most alienated, there is an overwhelming pressure to fit in. guess what, being non-white makes it even harder because you are thought of as an outsider, no matter how much money or how much brains you've got. so to have a club where students can be with other people that they can familiarize themselves with is helpful. and yes, they have to be organized groups, if they weren't, they'd be speculated to be even more of a threat to white behavior. oh, and these clubs aren't ONLY for the ethnicities named, everyone is welcome that has a positive attitude. asian clubs especially have a high number of white students involved...so the idea of " club for only the white students" would be racist since you're excluding people based on race.

You are proud to be black, brown, yellow and orange, and you're not afraid to announce it. But when we announce our white pride, you call us racists.
white people have paraded their pride and dominance over the world for hundreds of years. and because in the last fifty years or so others have fought to be able to say the same, you feel threatened? and notice that when people say they are proud to be whatever...it isn't "im proud to be yellow". its "i'm proud to be chinese" or wherever they are. do we not have enough things that say "im proud to be an american"? and anyone that labels themselves as proud and black is immediately looked down upon, so if you hold so much disdain for them, why would you want to reduce yourself to their level of pride?

no one ever said that whites were the only racists. having friends of different colors means nothing when inside you spite the fact that they enjoy being whatever color they are and that they might not be afraid to proclaim their ethnicity. the fact of the matter is that whites are the dominant race and have been and they are fighting to keep it that way. why does it matter? so what if there are holidays that aren't purely white. are you threatened by the fact that minorities organize themselves to try and move up in the world? a world that even NOW is unaccepting of them?

yes there is violence in inner-city neighborhoods that are primarily minorities, but then again, news outlets play up inner-city violence and drug use and arrests are made regularly. however, any white kid in suburbia could tell you exactly which middle schooler has the best drugs in the school district. only those things are kept quiet and brushed under the rug. how many black kids are in those schools? not many. and when they are there they usually make themselves fit themselves into the "token black kid" role. they have white friends, but there is always a joke about "oh, you're black. hahaha." and the black kid laughs right along. they aren't given a chance to be simply a good person or simply good at something. if they are good at sports, its because they are black. if they are good at music or dancing its because they are black. if they do good in class, the teacher thinks they are cheating. they aren't allowed to be smart and have to prove it. they can't go into a mall with other black friends without being followed in most stores, simply because of their color. and its degrading. you can be the most honest, good person, but you can still expect to be searched when leaving a store because you put your hand in your pocket or scratched your nose, because those were obviously signals that you're nervous because you stole. and its not JUST black kids, its every minority. its white kids with foot-long purple mohawks, too. because naturally, they don't fit the white-normalcy, so they must be defunct as well.

it kills me that despite how many advantages there are for white kids that they still complain when they see a minority recieve a similar benefit. they don't understand that being white alone is a priveledge that no one can attain, and that alone makes people treat you better.

im sorry for every white kid that reads that and doesn't let common sense kick in and automatically thinks "yeah! that is so right!" you're the reason why things will never change.
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