Oke, gue punya saran disini biar siapa tau blitz bisa muterin Eight Ranger movies di Negeri tercinta ini
Let's bombard them with mails of suggestion
, everyday! One mail each day is okay, even if just A mail each day reach them,
tapi kita bakal kirim setiap hari, isinya suggesting movie yang sama
kita lakukan sampe maksimal sampe akhir Juli gimana?? kalo udah emang ga bakal diputer ya udah hehe..
here the steps:
http://tinypaste.com/6501da56password hint: Nishikido Ryo; YasaiJani; ga pake spasi; lowercase (still doesn't know?? ninjinmusume)
Gue bisa listing jadwal orang yg ngirimnya sih kalo mau, you don't have to do it everyday. Lagian juga kalo tiap hari yang suggest cuma satu orang yang sama yaa bloon juga
For now who will be doing this are: me, arin, piko, tachul, and bertha (oh i actually got my friends to like eito whatever :p)
it will be like this:
Wednesday: pota
Thursday: arin,
marup_cikFriday: piko
Saturday: bertha
Sunday: tachul
Monday: pota
Tuesday: arin
and sooo it continues..
if you want to do it yourself then welcome, but if you want to be added on the list please tell just so i could know who were doing this : )
thank you very much for those who are currently participating ^^ please do it regularly hehe
ohryouchipi kyun_spark marup_cik mekunyan yuutacchon titieyara shinobu_kujokazukiayuuma rlia sonia_san filiciummylife chianishikido natsucchi PLEASE TELL ME IF I SHOULD DO/CORRECT ANOTHER THINGS REGARDING TO THIS, thank you