I saw a thread on
Gaia Online, where I hang around when bored, that was really interesting.
It was in the Writers' Forum, and was basically a series of questions to answer, except you should answer them as onr of your characters would.
I know it's not an incredibly new (or even incredible) idea, but I've never thought of it myself, so it was kinda cool to try and answer them.
And which character did I pick?
Why Sciel, of course. ;D
She's basically the only character that I've really fleshed out enough to really know how she would answer. ^^
And, since I'm lazy, I'll just copy/paste my entire post. So there'll be some explanation text along with the questions.
Hmm.. Well, not really a main character, more of a main antagonist.
But she is one of my more... "Colorful" ones, so I really like her. :)
Basically a succubus, thus she flirts with everything that has a pulse and is even remotely male and humanoid.
So if the questions were asked by a man she would answer something like this:
Name: Sciel, but you can call me "darling".
Age: Sweetie, that's no question to ask a lady.
Sex (Male or female, not "yes" or "no." -_-): Aww, you took all the fun out of that question. Female.
Hair and eye color: Any colors you'd care for, hon. But normally golden blond hair and ruby eyes.
Are you tall? Short? Toned? Twig-like? I only need one word to describe myself: Perfection.
Any distinguishing marks? Distinguishing mark? Well, obviously my beautiful looks, in case you didn't notice. Also, people do tend to remember my ears. Sometimes they call them fins, as if I was a fish! And my light blue skin of course, comes with being a demon. But don't worry, sweetie. If that's not your thing, I can easily change it.
Occupation: Succubus and illusionist. Whoever you'd like to meet, I'm your girl.
Time period: Whichever time period you're in, handsome.
Where you live: The Underworld. That's all I have to say for now. Unless you wanna come over for dinner, and maybe stay late.
Favorite foods: If it's from you, it's my favorite.
Any hobbies? I'm a society girl. My hobbies all include meeting new people.
Right or left handed? Right.
Have you ever been in love? If so, who with? If yes, are they still with you? Haha. Sweetie, people fall so in love with me that it's enough for us both.
Are you a virgin? I'm a succubus, hon. Pay attention.
Are you religious? I've never been a believer myself. Since I live in what you'd call "Hell", which isn't that bad, I must add. It's all lies by the Goddess! Well, since I live there it's hard to believe in it, just like you don't believe in your home. You just know it's there.
Are you able to fight? If so, do you have any weapons? Fighting is so brutish, I'd much rather let others do it for me. Strong men like you can protect a frail beauty like me, right? But yes, I can if I have to.
What do you consider your greatest strengths? Greatest strength? Obviously my beauty. I'm surprised you had to ask. You're not blind, are you?
Greatest weaknesses? That, I won't tell you.
Any words of parting? Call me, sweetie. You seem like my type.
If the questions were asked by a woman, her answers would have been a lot more "spiky", and probably borderline insulting.
Most likely as close to yes/no as possible too. To her, other women are usually just someone to steal men from, and a waste of time if they don't have a man she can seduce.
Wow, looking at that I can't believe how much my writing has changed since she first appeared.. I really sucked at writing back-then-compared-tonowdon'tkillmeeeeee--