Mmm... Creativity. :D~

Jan 04, 2007 20:25

And it mixes so well with being a bit hungry.
Snacks... :D

I made a... Creative snack. Bread with sausage, strawberry jam, cheese and rasberry jam. I was going to add orange marmalade, but it was unopened and I didn't feel like opening it just for that.

EDIT: Hmm.. Was still a bit hungry afterwards... MAKE ANOTHER ONE! With more stuff! (Added the marmalade, a few drops of ketchup and just the tiniest hint of mustard.
Have to skip the mustard next time, the taste just stands out too much. I think I'll skip the kethcup too. Doesn't fit in with the jams.)

Yes, I'm crazy. But I should have to say that. *cough cough*Fred Special*cough* (It was tasty too. Both my snack and the Fred Special. :P)


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