Finally, after maybe ten years or so...

Feb 09, 2012 17:05

So, I finally beat Breath of Fire. It was pretty much my first RPG, and I remember beating the second to last boss, but after that I kinda fucked up because I warped out of the final dungeon, and got it mixed up with the previous area and couldn't find my way back to the final boss. :P

Now, I've been replaying it (and since I'm not a dumbass anymore, or at least less of one, I paid attention to what the fuck I was doing during the final parts of the game :P) and finally beat it, just now.
Everything after beating Zog (the Dragon Emperor who is the Big Bad throughout most of the game) feels kinda rushed and inconsistent. You can tell that there are a lot of potentially great scenes there, but they kinda needed more time to actually BE something.
Instead you have pretty much several bosses packed tight closely together, with little time for things to actually matter.
What should have been pretty much the most emotionally intense scene of the game (reuniting, and parting again, with Sara) is instead a bunch of crammed together lines that aren't given time to make a lot of sense, because HEY! BOSS FIGHTS! GO!

Then again, it's almost 20 years old by now and was Capcom's first RPG, so I guess I'll have to cut it some slack. Overall the game is still quite solid. (Even if I almost found myself counting tropes at some points, only to constantly remind myself that it's from the generation of games that pretty much created those tropes in the first place.)

And now, onwards to Breath of Fire 2! (Because I did pretty much the same thing there. Fucked something up towards the end and never finished that game either. :P)


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