Just a feeling I've been getting lately..

Aug 23, 2011 04:15

But does anyone even care about anything I write here anymore?

Now, I know that I usually don't write the most (or at all, often) interesting posts, but the last time anyone commented on anything here was half a year ago.
Which leads me to the conclusion that my friends, i.e. you, consider weird Japanese porn to be more interesting than the one thing of actual importance I've had to post on this journal all year. But eh, so do I. Just kidding. (...Sort of.)
Since you apparently all missed it, here's what it was.

I will become an uncle this January, or to put it more directly:
My sister is pregnant and expecting the baby in January.

And apparently nobody cares.

I mean, I don't mind that nobody cares about my regular posts, because I will be the first to admit that they aren't very interesting. Most of it is just about something I found fun at the time and have forgotten about by the next post.
I guess it's my fault because I mentioned it in a post with a title about something else. Even though the actual news took up more of that post than my flavor of the week entertainment.

Not that I'm trying to guilt trip anyone into commenting or anything just to know if anyone is still here but... Yes I am, actually. :P
No, seriously. It would have been nice to know if anyone at least reads this anymore or if everyone has moved on and I just missed it. Because when I, for once, had actual personal news big enough to be worth telling people about, you'd expect someone to at least post a "how nice" or something. You know, just to be polite even if you don't care.

Now I don't blame you if you don't, because honestly neither do I, really. I mean, I'm happy for her, but if you think about it my sister having a baby has little direct relation to/affect on me and I've already got enough to worry about myself.

Anyway, back to the regular boring posts in 3. 2. 1. ...

I just tried the demo for Space Marine.
Nice game, awesome combat but sometimes lags a bit on my laptop. (Which isn't entirely unexpected.)

games, life

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