Why is France suddenly so awesome?

Jul 27, 2011 02:47

First they make the Wakfu cartoon. (The fansubs can be found here. Incredible animation, good story, interesting and lovable character, one of the best villains antagonists I've seen and just overall a great series.)
And now my friend sends me a link to a scene from an upcoming movie called "Un monstre à Paris", or "A monster in Paris".
It's pretty much "just" a song number. A really good song number.
There is also a trailer for the movie, and while I can't understand very much French I can at least understand the basic plot and some of the hinted at plot points. (And surprise surprise, the movie is about a monster appearing in Paris!)

So why am I excited?
Well, the animation looks top quality, the voice actors are just as good and.. Overall it feels like Pixar, except French.
Also, La seine is a really beautiful song.


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