I knew Dwarf Fortress was needlessly complicated, but DAMN.

Oct 01, 2010 23:43

Yes, I started playing it again. Now with added extra Fun.
I mean, I'm used to soap having no practical uses beyond building supermonuments that melt when it rains.. And now one of my dwarves DIED because of lack of soap.

Anyway, the thing that really stuck me as insane is that I checked out the Legends mode.
It's basically a log of the world generator when it creates the people/monsters/animals.

I checked some of the bigger ones first, like a Bronze Colossus and a demon but there are LOADS of people to check.
In the world I generated there are 32514 historical figures to read about.
And you can read their entire life story, basically.
Sure, some only have bits like "Lived here. Was married. Had X sons and Y daughters." and that's it.
And then there are people like this guy:
A regular human named Xaki Ekulñabsiz, or Xaki Chaintattoos. He was a warlord from The Bold Kingdoms.
He was born in the year 54, the seventh oldest son of Gisu Handleconjured and Ted Goldstrike. He started out as a soap maker in Paintedpattern, but at 14 years of age he became the new general for the armies of the Bold Kingdoms.
A year later he married Cado Swiftmongers and moved to Skirtbelly.
He made a few trips to wild areas around his home and tamed the animals he found there, during this time he also fought his first battle. At that point he was 23 years old.
In the year 100 he fought against the Queen of the Gloved Scorpion, a demon called Nirica Monkeyhates the Filth of Witches.
After that he then led his army in 52 more battles, greatly expanding the Bold Kingdoms before dying in the year 138.
He died of old age, 84 years old, leaving behind four sons and two daughters. The expansion of the Bold Kingdoms more or less stopped around the year 140.

And that's ONE person. There are OVER THIRTY THOUSAND MORE historical figures.

The best part? All that is just so you can hear legends about them in adventure mode, and maybe find some old ruins.
Every generic monster has it's own personal history with family, friends, major events and so on all the way back to the beginning of time. The frogs in the swamps of Dwarf Fortress have bigger back-stories than most role-playing characters!


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