Sakura and Timburr for chinakitty, Subway Bosses for SMASH!

Jun 05, 2012 01:41

Here is my half of this month's exchange! For china_kitty! I'm really busy lately so I got this done ASAP figuring the sooner I had it done, the better for my peace of mind and ability to time manage. xD

I'm not that familiar with Sakura from Street Fighter so I hope this is a good guess! Fighting types training with their trainers is a cute cute idea. <3 Makes for some fun poses, too. :D

Hope you like it! I can send a larger version if you want it for...idk. Things. Icons? Something.

The Subway Bosses have really grown on me! Partly through other people's enthusiasm and partly through I saw their anime episode and they are pretty badass. Also their designs are cute... That really helps.

Anyway, so this is a little drawing/painting in the SMASH! convention's travelling artbook - an art book that travels around Australia to different artists who draw in it and then it gets auctioned off at the convention in July! We usually raise a few hundred dollars for a charity like the Flying Doctor or something. idk who the charity is this year, someone cool I guess. :B

The travelling artbook is one of my favourite things about SMASH! and I've been contributing now for like...3 years I guess. Wait, no, four. Three of those four years I have drawn pokemon in the artbook. ._.;; I have sworn that next year I will draw something else...

Happy poke-artings, everyone. :D

(PS. Maybe Subway Boss character tags? :DD)

timburr, art exchange

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