Hey! Did you see my reply in my sales post? I never heard back from you o: If you don't want anything from my sales I'd be happy to do an art trade with you ^__^
Out of that list I think I would be able to draw Wailord&Kyorgre or your Coccoon/bagworm team the best. I could give Deoxys a go but I've never drawn it before so that is my only concern, but I could sure try!
So here are some quotes:
Deoxys holding Spindas hand: $15
Wailord & Kyorge: $16
Coccoon team: $25 (there's a lot of them~) Perhaps a partial trade for you cocoon team?
Sorry, my comment was screened, let me try again..
Wow really? Thank you so much >u< <3
Umm then I'll take Flaaffy, and could I get an Audino too? Also if it's possible one of this character.. h t t p : / / fc01.deviantart . net/fs71/i/2010/119/6/1/castiel_by_oogamishiguma.jpg (minus the spaces!) Maybe a beige cake to match his coat colour with little black wings and a blue tie? That would be super awesome!
If you don't want anything from my sales I'd be happy to do an art trade with you ^__^
But if you want to, id much rather do an art trade! :DDD
I could make you another cupcake if so :)
What type of art would you like from me, traditional or digital?
Ill give you a little list for some awesomely cute stuff, like the zubats,that maybe you could choose from? :D and ill see if thats good w me xD
Please tell me soon! :3
Deoxys holding spindas hand
All deoxyses group hug with defence one shiny
would REALLY like this: my coccoon/bagworm collection team, *pupitar, shuckle, burmy,silcoon,cascoon,metapod,kakuna*
Out of that list I think I would be able to draw Wailord&Kyorgre or your Coccoon/bagworm team the best. I could give Deoxys a go but I've never drawn it before so that is my only concern, but I could sure try!
So here are some quotes:
Deoxys holding Spindas hand: $15
Wailord & Kyorge: $16
Coccoon team: $25 (there's a lot of them~)
Perhaps a partial trade for you cocoon team?
Let me know what you think!
Do you make aceo's too? Or a bit smaller ones than A4? Cuz i really would like the art to fit with my collection 8D If u cant, thats totally okay! :3
That would be great! Maybe i could get one small one with the coccoons on :D
Also if I remember correctly did you say you had made a Flaaffy one already? Do you have any pictures? <3
I have no pictures, but i promise, its totally gorgeous!!! O-O
Ill try to get pics out tomorrow! :D
Wow really? Thank you so much >u< <3
Umm then I'll take Flaaffy, and could I get an Audino too? Also if it's possible one of this character.. h t t p : / / fc01.deviantart . net/fs71/i/2010/119/6/1/castiel_by_oogamishiguma.jpg (minus the spaces!)
Maybe a beige cake to match his coat colour with little black wings and a blue tie? That would be super awesome!
Okay, no rush :D Thanks again!
Will maybe make him as a surprise :3 oops! ^^
also i maybe will add another cuppie ;D I wont tell u what its gonna be though, so maybe you cud do something extra for me? Like a lil surprise? ^^
I'll start your drawings asap and will hopefully finish them by this time next week.
Thanks again for the trade! x
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