Second Batch of Unova Walkies

Feb 09, 2011 21:35

Finally finished drawing/scanning/uploading my second batch of HGSS-style walky Gen. 5 Pokemon.  This batch includes the rest of the bird
Pokemon and the starters.

Pidove, Tranquill, and Unfezant (both genders)

Awesome eagles :D  Rufflet and Braviary

Vultures~~~ one of my personal fave birds this gen.  Vullaby and Mandibuzz.

The smug vine snakes, Snivy, Servine, and Serperior.

The lovable fire piggies, Tepig, Pignite, and Emboar.

The skillful samurai otters, Oshawott, Dewott, and Samurott.

I have most of the request from my last batch sketched and inked, so expect to see some more in the future.  If there's any others from Gen. 5 you would like to see, let me know :D

mandibuzz, snivy, pignite, tepig, samurott, unfezant, oshawott, braviary, tranquill, servine, serperior, vullaby, dewott, pidove, emolga, emboar, rufflet

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