May 11, 2007 21:48
New hair...I know I know I think I say that every 3 months or so.
New hair for me is like therapy, I talk to angie for two hours about everything in her life and in mine, and at the end I feel clean, free, fresh...New. It's a great feeling, you should try it sometime.
Looking forward/dreading the end of the year shows. Our little girls are all grown up now, gotta push em out of the nest. I don't (by don't, I mean I try not to) worry, I know they'll fly.
It's weird to think that I've been out of high school for a year, and I feel like I have yet to accomplish anything. Maybe because I was retarded and instead of handling my problems, I ran away from them, thus not finishing out the school year...le sigh.
I think i imagined college to be so grandiose, like I would be unstoppable and life would be a bucket of fun...but its nothing like that. I see all my old friends out having fun, taking risks, creating themselves, and I'm here, wishing it was me. I make decisions that keep me stagnant. I'm in a job that at first was great, but I'm not making anywhere near enough to support myself, and the job isn't so great. It feels like I babysit all day long. I got a new job that seems like it will be fun...we'll see. I'm going to stay as optimistic as possible, everyone there seems really great, and they have been there for years, so I'm assuming the job is good. But I still don't make enough money. Theatre is deteriorating for me, I'm going to have to go outside of GCC if I ever want to be cast again...big mistakes made there. Connections with the ones who kept me moving are slowly fading, partly because it's hard for me to indentify with what they are becoming, and the other part is me being so terrified to do the same.
Meh meh meh.
I know I know, emo emo.
Hopefully new hair will fix it :)
G'night all!