
May 16, 2005 09:49

Rarrr!!! I wish that asshole Dustin would leave me alone already!! He say's he's moved on or whatever, but he keeps going back to my site and leaving nasty comments!! I've already blocked his IP address THREE times!!! I'm getting SOOO sick of hearing from that asshole!!! Why won't he leave me alone already?!?!?! >.< Stupid asshole!!! I haven't tried to contact him ONE TIME since that day I drove over to his house. NOT ONCE!!! I wish he would give me the same courtesy! I deleted his email address, threw out his dad's phone number, got rid of the pictures of him, got rid of the Valentine's Day card and the bear (gave the bear away), and gave the blanket I made for the baby to a friend. I've cut ALL ties with him, I have NO DESIRE to hear from him, but STILL he won't leave me alone! I'm about ready to file a formal complaint because he keeps fucking harassing me! I paid for the website, I tried to keep him from going there (IE, the IP bans), but he's so fucking immature he can't let it go. It's my BLOG! It's a place for me to vent my anger! If he would stop commenting, I would stop ranting! It just pisses me off SO much that he goes to MY PERSONAL BLOG and leaves nasty messages. He's not impressing anyone, what does he care if I say something about him anyway? I'm not a part of his life. He has "no room for me in his life" so what does he care if I say something, huh? Grow up, you're a father now, you need to take care of your kid and stop worrying about what everyone else is doing. Fuck you, Dustin!

Anyway, now that that rant is out of my system. *clears throat* This weekend was the garage sale thing in my home town. I'm SHOCKED at how many sales there were o.O There were over 200 registered sales and that doesn't even count the ones that weren't registered. Nikki and I hit most of the ones right in town, but they extended out into the townships all around it. Unfortunately, many of the sales sucked really bad >.< but there were a few that were all right. Nikki got alot of clothes for her baby and some outfits for her niece too (well, her boyfriend's niece :shrug: ). I bought some shirts for really cheap. I don't seem to have too many long-sleeved shirts and I need some :sweatdrop: because I'm kind of a freeze-baby. Either way, there were some brand names (mostly preppy brands, Old Navy, American Eagle, etc.). I'm not really into most of that type of clothes, but there were a few gems and they were only like $1 instead of $30 for a T-shirt ;) I also bought some plastic canvas stuff ($10 for a huge box of stuff). I figure I'll make some stuff out of that for Christmas gifts or something :shrug: It'll get used at some point ;) I bought some glasses that match the ones I mom has and she asked me to get some nicer shirts for my little brother :shrug: Most of the stuff I bought was pretty boring, but at least it was cheap ;) I'm all about deals when it comes to shopping.

Mom's chicks have been plucking each other's feathers out lately so they put them in the old dog house :sweatdrop: They put a fence up outside and stuff, but it looks so horrible :sweatdrop: We DEFINITELY look like hicks now with that stuff outside... Oh well, at least the trees hide our house/yard from the road. You'd have to go all the way up our (rather long) driveway to be able to see how horrible it looks. They seem happy to have more room, though. They're not fighting as much as they did before.. they're still gross, though XP My little Spazz bunny is getting HUGE!! The two of them (Spazz and my brother's bunny Spot) are getting too big for their box, though :sweatdrop: They've started to fight over the food when you put it in there. We're going to clean out the box the chickens were in and put the bunnies in there until we get the hutch built for them :sweatdrop: Our family is so backward... we get the animals, THEN build the hutch/coop for them :sweatdrop: Oh well... that's just the way things work in my house I suppose :shrug:
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