Jan 26, 2005 20:08
Tada! Surprise surprise, I have not in fact vanished off the face of the LJ earth; merely took my ass a while to get back here. ^_^;;
Wow. Just looked back in my LJ... Sept. 10th? 2004? Holy bonus stages, Batman, no wonder I was avoiding coming back here. I've gotta pull an omnipost just to make up for the lack of normal ones.
Okay, first off, it's my B-day in two days. I'm gonna be taking the house here out for arcade gaming and then back home for a three course meal, all of my own devices/fundage. Think of it like a birthday gift in reverse; I'm giving to the folks who make having this birthday worth anything.
I said house; I should note I am living in E-2, in the Village, at UCSC, currently. Greg, Talia, myself, Hannah, and Garret- in that order -make up the entire nine bedroom three bathroom house. Woot indeed. And I will not deny, I love living here. It's like a gaming session that never ends, uses your bathroom way too much, won't go away even if you ask... ^_~ Nah, seriously, I do love it here.
The boards were used liberally for a time, but have since fallen to the wayside. I dunno why; in all honesty, I should be on them more (i.e., at all), but at some point the project itself became more important than catching folks up on aspects of it and gleaming new info along the way. It wasn't a conscious decision to stop going. Like a lot of stuff in my life, it just got pushed further and further back till it stopped being a priority.
Speaking of Dragonfly, Nick will be here for my b-day celebration. We've got plans to work on Dragonfly's storyboards all weekend, not counting gaming time or anime club (where we COULD still work, but methinks it'd be rude, ne?). Once he has complete story boards, it'll be time for his end of the deal; making the manga. Holy farking farks, Dragonfly is really happening. One of my projects is ACTUALLY GETTING DONE. I didn't know that was legal.
The other house is sold, the house in LA is doing great, Dad is stressing a bit over finances, Mom is stressing a bit over his stressing and getting the rest of the house crap done, and in the midst of it all, between Dec. and Jan., we had three parties in the house. @_@ At least we're past the insanity that was the house sales stuff.
A word to the wise; NEVER SPLIT THE GOD-DAMNED PARTY IF YOU RUN THE GAME. I swear, if I could, I'd go back in time and beat myself up for that one. I can't even count how much time we lost in the Exalted game thanks to my genius move. Hopefully I can salvage it, and just stretch the one-quarter storyline to a double, taking one end at a time and cutting out any unneeded filler.
The sequel campaign, Path of the Locusts, is going to be run by moi. I've got buy-in from four persons, and waiting for recall from a few others *kaff*Seth*kaff*Nick*kaff*hurrythefarkup*kaff*. Should be fun, especially with all the new goodies I've been amassing here.
Might be running in an Oriental Adventures game w/ G-Man (Garret) running the show. Should be cool, and ninja-rich. ^_^ Also, running in yet ANOTHER IOU GURPS campaign, this time run by a new guy I just met this year, Josh. He's cool.
Wondering about school work? Well, yeah... good news is, last quarter, I got two Bs! Bad news? Erm... let's just say in Human Evolution, I took the Darwin Award. Thank god I didn't need it for my major. Sad thing is, I actually learned stuff I wanted to from that class... just not from the professor or the core books she had a hand in selecting/making.
This quarter? Two psychs and an anthro that is just an inch away from being a Psych itself. If I can handle this workload- plus one mandatory section a pop -I'll try for a double major w/ creative writing. Heck, might even take that Tokugawa Era class I was eyeballing at the end of last quarter's Ancient Japan History course.
Naruto is awesome. The Kenshin manga is awesome. The Flame of Recca manga is stereotypical but awesome. GetBackers manga is awesome. Bow to the awesome.
Samurai Warriors would have worked so much better if it wasn't convinced you versus a castle solo in a battlefield-based system was such a great idea. But on the plus side, the SW Kenshin is a very very tall person. Why is that a plus? Because.
Trying to get more organized from now on. Gonna try and set goals for myself, in writing, that I have to meet each month/week/whatever. Seems to be working so far; after all, I just wrote the list today and 'LJ' was on it. ^_~
Hate to type and run, especially with such a painfully minor view into several months of goings on, but I've got a take-home midterm to evicerate over at Lisa's pad.
Till Our Swords Cross Again,
Mood: Hopeful
Music: L'arc-en-ciel "Ready Steady GO!"