Aug 13, 2005 23:23
I continue with my long-time trend of having summer reading that is not really Summer Reading. As in, I read literature (generally) and not "Single Nanny Adventures 3: The case of the missing Prada" Which is not to say that those books aren't fun. They are. However, I do not prefer them.
SOOO anyway I have been reading Faulkner's "The Unvanquished," which is fine, but I'm not terribly into it and since most of my reading gets done while I bike, I need to be super-absorbed in the book. Anyway, I thought I'd ask my stellar LJ friends for advice about what to read next. Here are the choices:
The Stone Angel, by Margaret Laurence
Montana, 1948, by Larry Watson
A Room with a View, by E. M. Forster
A Passage to India, also by Forster
The Unicorn, by Iris Murdoch
Slapstick, by Kurt Vonnegut
Any thoughts?