Went driving to Point Reyes this weekend. Mostly along the scenic Highway 1 coastal drive, and we did not actually get very far out to the peninsula. ANOTHER DAY because I want to see the lighthouse (again? have I seen it before?). In this picture: the Pacific Ocean.
The coast of California. When I mentioned that I am completely spoiled by living in a beautiful area? Yeah. This is it in a nutshell.
Went driving to Sibley Volcanic Preserve today, and I just had to stop at a turnout and take pictures. It was such an absolutely beautiful day, you can see the Golden Gate from like 20 miles away.
Closeup, you can easily see the new Bay Bridge just to the right of the current one. Maybe in a few years I can drive on it!
In Sibley, a kind of lupine flower, I think.
California poppy.
View of an old quarry. The maze down there is human-made, and it's relatively recent, I think. At the center, people have left little mementos; they're all really positive, like bumper stickers promoting kindness, buttons promoting peace, etc.
SO MUCH OPEN SPACE. It's kind of weird to think that this is in the middle of all the bustling urban life.
Mount Diablo, which is not really a volcano. It is proof that I am surrounded by active fault lines. :V HOORAY GEOLOGY.
My walk was probably less than 2 miles, but the elevation changed quickly. I am somewhat proud of myself for getting outdoor exercise.